Category Archives: Signs

Prognostications, fortune-telling, etc.

Upside down red envelope 🧧

The informant was a Chinese international student from Shanghai who goes to UC Santa Barbara. He describes a tradition in his household that takes place during Lunar New Year where his family puts a lucky red envelope (红包 – ang pau) upside down on their front door.

“The character on the envelope means prosperity or auspiciousness. Upside down (福 – fu) in Chinese is the same pronunciation as arrival. So putting it upside down is like saying that prosperity has arrived. People put that on their door during the New Year. Some people also choose to put that only inside their door to signify that the prosperity has entered the household. There’s also belief that the character at the front door should not be upside down since that upsets the prosperity but you can put the character upside down onto other things (like a closet) inside the house. It is a very common and significant cultural practice in China. And my family does that too. We typically put the character upside down outside the front door to our apartment.”

Because Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language where one word can have multiple meanings depending on what tone it is said in, there are many opportunities for word play like this instance. The disagreement between people whether putting the envelope upside down brings or upsets prosperity and whether putting it outside or inside the door is the correct way is interesting because it shows how different people interpret the wordplay differently and that there is no clear cut answer.

Nonetheless, using a lucky envelope to bring prosperity inside the home reminds me of how people across a lot of cultures have rituals to bring them luck for the new year (eating a select amount of grapes, kissing on midnight, etc.) and indicates that many people see it as a hopeful new opportunity to change their lives for the better.

Right eye and Left eye twitch

Allegedly our Moroccan family has this thing passed down in the family where the right eye twitches, it is a good sign, but if our left eye twitches it is a bad sign.

Informant is born in Morocco…

Analysis: My cousin’s had his left eye twitch and freaked out so he chose not to believe in it…Therefore, I think it could lead into paranoia but, personally, it has passed down to me (I am American), and it predicted numerous things. For example my left eye twitched and then I had an argument with my friend. But it has to also follow with a gut instinct because sometimes it twitches and barely anything happens and perhaps thats just a physiological response rather than a response of intuition. It has to be connected to a twinge of intuition. As I am writing this my right eye twitches so it gives me the suspicion that I am correct in this analysis.

Red Ribbon on a Horse’s Tail


A red ribbon tied around a horse’s tail means that they’re “a kicker”


C is a current USC student who grew up in Bellevue, Washington and previously worked in a barn there training rescue horses. As indicated in the text, C explained that tying a red ribbon around a horse’s tail meant they were prone to kicking and that other horses and riders should give them extra space. After I asked if this practice was specific to their barn, they explained that the red tail ribbon is a widely-known sign in the horseriding world and has become an important safety practice, especially in competition settings. C then stated that they were introduced to the red tail ribbon early on by people in their barn and that people would assume a rider was a “newbie” if they didn’t know the sign. C also mentioned that jokes were often shared amongst riders about the red tail ribbon – for example, a rider may joke that they’re going to tie a red ribbon around their non-aggressive horse’s tail to get people to “back off.”


As C mentioned, this folk object seems to me to have primarily risen out of a need to quickly and effectively communicate important safety information. A horse’s kick can cause severe injury to a person, and while small groups of people can be verbally warned of a kicking horse, that information seems like it would become much more difficult in a large horse arena or during a fast-paced competition. The use of a visual signal or folk object to communicate danger creates a constant visual differentiator for the kick-prone horse and allows the message to be spread and received much more quickly. Additionally, like much of occupational folklore, knowing the use of the red tail ribbon becomes a marker of insider status and experience in the horse rider world. Joking about the red tail ribbon in turn conveys a sense of familiarity with the sign and further demonstrates the presence of insider knowledge.

Writing on public spaces

Text: Writing the word “Compton” on public spaces such as bathrooms, buses, street signs, houses, city buildings, gas stations, or sidewalks in Compton, California.

Context: This informant was born and raised in Compton, California from the 1970s to the 1990s. Everywhere he went in that city, he would see “Compton” graffitied. It was just a known thing that people would write this, so he got this idea from visibly seeing it and growing up doing it with friends. When I asked him “what does it mean?”, his response was “it meant that you are from Compton”.

Analysis: I see this as a way to “mark territory” or to show a sense of community. The city of Compton has a reputation of being dangerous or “ghetto” which I think has some sort of connection to this. I would never see this happening in the city where I am from—Chino Hills, California. I feel like other cities with a similar reputation also do something like this.

Chin Flick

Text: When someone does something that makes you extremely upset, you would flick your chin with the back of your hand.

Context: The informant got this from the movie “Greece”. He rarely uses it, but an example would be when he is driving and someone almost hits him. He said it means “fuck off” to the person you do it towards. He said he thinks it originated in either France or Italy.

Analysis: I would say this is the equivalent of flipping off your middle finger to someone (meaning “f*** you”), but it is not used as commonly. I am not sure if it is known as well as using the middle finger. When I was younger my friends and I used to do this to each other jokingly and innocently. We used to think it was sign language for the same meaning.