Sneeze belief

While hanging out with a few of my friends, procrastinating on homework, one of my friends, Sara, needed to sneeze. She had one of those sneezes that don’t happen right away. My other friend Henry told her, “Look into the sun, well not directly ya know like look into the light it will help you sneeze. Yupp yeah like that.” Then Sara was able to sneeze. Both Sara and I thought the trick was really weird. I have heard that you are supposed to say “watermelon”, wave your hand in front of your face, or jump up and down in order to avoid sneezing. According to Henry, the “looking into the sun” trick is of Irish decent. He learned it from various family members over the years. After Sara sneezed we said “bless you” as everyone usually does. Sara added, “do you guys know why we say ‘bless you’ when people sneeze? It’s like a Christian thing that when you sneeze it’s like the devil is leaving your body and at this point your soul is vulnerable, so people say ‘bless you’ to protect your soul during this time.” My friend, Sara, is a computer science major with a game development emphasis. As part of the computer science community she collects and forwards a myriad of folklore specific to this unique group. Computer science folklore is unique and reflects the beliefs and the culture of the group. Per my informant, as well as personal experience, computer science majors have a unique sense of humor that develops from the difficult coursework, the long hours spent on the computer coding, and the group dynamic required to get through the major. This humor is often expressed through memes and jokes only members of this group can understand and appreciate. My friend, Henry, is also a computer science major. As part of the computer science community he collects and forwards a myriad of folklore specific to this unique group. Computer science folklore is unique and reflects the beliefs and the culture of the group. Per my informant, as well as personal experience, computer science majors have a unique sense of humor that develops from the difficult coursework, the long hours spent on the computer coding, and the group dynamic required to get through the major. This humor is often expressed through memes and jokes only members of this group can understand and appreciate. I found both of these interpretations on sneezing to be interesting. The first one helps you sneeze since the period of time right before a sneeze is rather uncomfortable. I was curious to see how well Henry’s trick of looking into light worked. I took it upon myself to experiment. I noticed that Henry’s trick doesn’t work all of the time. Nor do the other trick mentioned. However, I did notice that all of the tricks succeed in distracting you from the uncomfortable feeling right before sneezing. That might just be the real secret behind this folklore. Maybe the point is not to bring about or avoid a sneeze but rather to distract from the uncomfortable feeling right beforehand. While Sara’s piece of folklore attempts to explain why you sneeze. Here you can clearly see the difference between how people view this biological reaction.