Tag Archives: zimbabwe


Main piece

There’s a saying that she learned in Africa “ ubuntu”. It means humanity and compassion literally, but basically it’s similar to “it’s good to be together”.

There are 2 main tribes Shona and Ndebele (minority) where she’s from. Ubuntu is from this tribal language.

Background information (Why does the informant know or like this piece? Where or who did they learn it from? What does it mean to them?):

It’s a word like hakuna matata. It’s very commonly known. However, most people know it but don’t use it regularly.

Context (When or where would this be performed? Under what circumstance?):

Her native friends from her school taught her. It’s not used that often and only heard about it in school.

Personal Analysis:

This word seems to be a saying that’s passed down but not in colloquial speech. I can’t think of an English equivalent except unity. It’s definitely a part of the culture in Zimbabwe if everyone knows it.

Africa Day

Main piece:

Africa Day is the day is meant for people in Africa to celebrate and thank Africa. The holiday takes place in all of Africa.

On this day, they eat traditional staple food called sadza that’s made of corn and looks like rice cake. You eat it with your hands and eat it with gravy, chicken, chicken liver and maguru. They also eat salad called muriwo, which is greens, spinach, and peanut butter.

On Africa Day week, there’s an african dress day called “civvii”. Usually the students have a uniform but this day is an exception when everyone can wear african clothing.

Background information (Why does the informant know or like this piece? Where or who did they learn it from? What does it mean to them?):

Informant found out about Africa Day through living in Zimbabwe. It’s on the calendar so she figured out it was a holiday but it was also taught in school.

The informant said that to her as a foreigner it is a fun day where everyone can really be african. She didn’t think of the liberation as much, but she thinks the day is a part of liberation.

Context (When or where would this be performed? Under what circumstance?):

It’s on May 25th and happens every year. It’s a holiday. Students still have school but they dress differently to celebrate.

Personal Analysis:

I didn’t know that Africa Day existed before, but I’m not surprised about it. There were many foods I’ve never heard of that they eat. It’s good that the holiday lets foreigners participate and feel like a part of the community even though they are of another nationality. It seems like a very exciting day for the African people, seeing that it’s not just the one day but a week long festivity held in school.

For another version of this proverb, see https://www.africa.com/how-to-celebrate-africa-day/