Author Archives: nfriedli

Eating noodles on birthdays

Noodles are supposed to bring good luck and give a “long life”. They are supposed to be eaten on the birthday of a loved one to hope that they live a long, happy life with you. I think this tradition is interesting because noodles are a part of Chinese traditional food and it is interesting it has a greater meaning than just tasting good.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a very important holiday to the Chinese culture in the way that it brings the luck of the new year at the prospect of an entire year of opportunities and an occasion for families to become close. There are many traditions and Customs for the new year including red paper envelopes, festivals, large meals, cleaning of the home, and fireworks. The Lunar New Year has been a tradition for Eastern cultures much like the 4th of July is a tradition for America. the stories of the animals on the Zodiac that rotate every twelve years is another folkloric ideology of Chinese New Year. I personally enjoy Chinese New Year because it is a time where my entire family comes together and the entire family eats very good food together.

Gender binary/Gender roles enforced

An argument against the Greek system is that it reinforces and represents gender binary and the adhering of gender roles in society. because only women can join sororities and only men can join fraternities there is an argument that there was a whole entire group of people that are not only excluded in greek life but not recommended to join. There has also been arguments about how fraternities encourage rape culture and the disrespect of women. Because there’s so many rules and regulations in each house that each member has to abide by, greek life can promote the de-individualization of people and promote conformity. Women are supposed to act a certain way and so are mean based on rules made over a hundred years ago. With modern times, these ways of life are not the most appropriate. Because these ways of life are so encouraged, many members are not open and accepting of others’ ways of life if they do not agree. Based on the traditions of the houses, it is true that men are supposed to assume manly roles of strength and gentlemenness while women are supposed to act like ladies and not be too promiscuous or be too “out there”. Sororities and fraternities, whether they know it or not, promote assimilation. I agree with this notion but also the Greek community could expand to solve this problem and then could create new chapters that have new traditions and values that could fit everyone’s views.

Black dot behind the year

Indians place a black dot behind one ear in very important days such as the first day of school, a party, or travel to ward off negative energy and evil jealous spirits. This is symbolic as the ear hears all jealous remarks and the dot can block this from a person. Someone must place the dot for you, usually a mother, so this way someone is always protecting you which I think is a great notion.

Dirty songs

The dirty song for sororities and fraternities is a song sung to each other during events and exchanges with the houses. It is topic secret, passed down from the very beginning of the chapters and shows the secretly sexual component that is made to be hidden. It is a form of rebellion from the rules placed upon the members. This is the most pure form of folklore of greek life as it is made purely by the people and is passed down through only word of mouth in fear of violating the written rules. It is an unspoken tradition as it breaks the rules of each houses yet all have one. It shows the rebellion that is human nature to break the rules and create fun. It also represents the sexual needs of both men and women and the use of song is the medium in which it is told to the other party. I personally think it is uncomfortable and that sexual needs are between two people not two houses of people.