Author Archives: Sarah Wu

Wide Noses

“My mom and her friends always say that if a person has like a wider nose or a fatter nose, that means they…that’s a symbol of wealth.”

My informant told me about this Chinese saying she heard from her mother. Previously, I had heard that fat earlobes were a sign of wealth, so I did a little more research. Apparently, both are part of something called ‘Chinese Face Reading,’ which is similar to palm reading but focuses on facial features instead of palm lines. I find this very interesting because a person goes through life with the same nose they’re born with (in most cases, at least). So this type of reading is essentially set from the moment of birth and cannot be changed. I asked my informant if she believes this to be true, and her response was that she wasn’t sure. She did, however, express a desire to go look up famous people’s faces to see how wide their noses are.

Korean New Year: Rice Cake Soup

“Well, New Year’s is pretty similar to I think Chinese New Year, and it’s like a mix of Chinese New Year and American New Year. Um, but…we have this soup and it’s uh, it’s a rice cake soup? And um basically it’s like you have meat and rice cakes in it and um, it’s like…every bowl of soup you consume means you’re like growing that much older. So that’s kinda like a thing where you eat like tons of that soup on New Year’s. And…it’s like custom to eat it, it’s kinda rude not to. Cuz then you’d be saying like oh this New Year’s not gonna be any different, or something. Eating that soup would signify that you’re growing older, like you’re maturing. Like you’re ready to have a fresh new year. And it’s like really good. And that’s basically the custom, I guess. It’s pretty much my mom makes it, but in most families it’s like homemade. And like if you go to church on New Year’s and stuff, that would be like what they serve for lunch or whatever. Yeah, it’s been around forever.”

When asked about Korean New Year traditions, my informant immediately thought of food as the primary marker of this celebration. She says the soup is very easy to make, just a simple mixture of meat, rice cakes, and broth. The simplicity means almost everyone would be able to make and afford this soup during New Year’s. The ritual of drinking as much soup as possible to signify growth and long life is reminiscent of the common tradition of drinking champagne on New Year’s, as a symbol of future wealth. Of course, there is nothing wrong with abstaining from champagne during a New Year celebration, whereas in this instance it is a breach of social conduct to refuse the soup. My informant almost made it sound like it would bring bad luck not to drink the soup, which I took as a sign that this is a very ingrained tradition.

The Weaver & The Cowherd

Informant: “This is a very very old story, and it goes back to way…back when…it’s very, like, back when the Koreans thought like, um, like there were kind of gods and supernatural beings that lived with them. Ok, so basically there was this princess from one region and there would be…there was a prince in another region. And it’s not really like Romeo & Juliet, but um they were like from two different sides and they fell in love. So um, they would spend like every minute that they could together. And um, so their parents got mad, the royal families got mad because their prince was tryin to like train to become a king, and he’s basically tryin to learn and like be serious. And he was just like, literally just head over heels in love and he was really distracted. So his family forbid him to see her and um, the princess was also punished because they just didn’t want her to be with him, I guess? And I forgot the details, but um, basically they were forbidden to see each other. And they were banished and um, oh! [informant claps] I forgot to mention. They lived in heaven, like they were like a godly family. And he…so they were not able to see each other, and they were really really devastated and depressed. And um so…both of them were punished to labor, like, even though they were a princess and a prince. So like the princess would have to like work and like oh she had to like weave and sew and like make bunches and bunches of fabric and clothes so that the heavens can like bring those clothes back to earth. And um…um…basically the prince was required to labor but um farming-wise. So he had to like cultivate animals and like…like…what is it? Plough? Yeah, farm. And…so that the food would be available for like down on earth or whatever. So they spent years and years apart and um…but the gods they like took pity on them and they said ok, like once a year, you guys can see each other. Yeah. So, once a year you guys are able to reunite. But they were on different sides of heaven, so when that day came they like ran to those sides but they were separated. There was no way to get across from like one side to another cuz I guess it’s like a sky. So like they were just like ok what do we do? And like all these crows and birds basically came and like flew over and made a bridge for the prince and princess so they could walk across and see each other. So they would kinda like run across the birds. And they finally reunited! Um but…I think that’s supposed to be why there’s a lot of birds at certain points in the year? I’m not sure what the purpose was but that’s like the most well known fairytale.”

Me: “I think it’s why there’s a constellation in the sky. Like that’s the version I heard…”

Informant: “It’s not a constellation, but I think it’s something about the weather.”

Me: “The one that I heard was like—there’s a Chinese version—was that that was the Milky Way.”

Informant: “Yes! [informant claps] Yeah, that’s it.”

The informant currently lives in California, but was born (and grew up) in South Korea. When asked if there was a bedtime story or tale that every child knew, she immediately thought of this one, which she said either her mother or grandmother told her. Interestingly, when she got to the story’s conclusion, she immediately knew there was a purpose or a reason for the tale, but could not remember it at first. There is an identical Chinese myth of the same name, which is why I interjected at the conclusion. The reason I have also included this under ‘festivals’ is that in the Chinese and Taiwanese tradition, this myth is an integral part of the Qixi festival (which I grew up knowing as the Double Seven festival), which is similar to Valentine’s Day. However, my informant did not associate this myth with any type of festival in Korean culture. On another note, this type of ‘star-crossed lovers’ tale has trickled into many works of literature over time. As my informant pointed out, it’s not exactly like the tale of Romeo & Juliet, but there are definite parallels there.


Ng, Teresa. The Cowherd and the Weaver. 2011. eBook.

Korean Thanksgiving

Informant: “Ok, so Korean Thanksgiving is like…almost the same thing. But it’s like a different kind of purpose? And our kind of goal is like to honor our ancestors. So we have a big Korean Thanksgiving feast, where there’s a lot of food and a lot of traditional Korean dishes. Like not just Korean barbeque or anything, but like…like rice cakes and like pretty things, and…and…”

Me: “Is it on the same day as American Thanksgiving?”

Informant: “No, it’s not. I actually don’t know the exact date cuz it kind of shifts every year.”

Me: “What month is it, do you know?”

Informant: “November. But it’s like, it’s probably more early November, late October-ish. And, um, so we have a feast. And if you’re in Korea, like, the custom would be to go visit the gravestones, or your family’s…cemetery. Like, where your…cuz in Korea you’re usually, your ancestors would kinda be buried in the same land, plot of land. So you kinda go and you kinda respect them, and sometimes you like put out food on the graves. And…”

Me: “What’s the purpose of putting the food on the graves?”

Informant: “It’s just so…so you’re remember the deceased ones kind of? And you’re like, cuz they’re not. Cuz in Korea your deceased ancestors aren’t really like dead. They’re actually supposed to be kinda like present, omnipresent in your household. So you’re kinda just like recognizing it. And you would give them like the best stuff. Like very like fragrant things, and sometimes there’d be incense and whatnot. Um, in America we don’t really get to go to the gravestones. But um, what is it? But we, ehem, meet up with like extended family, and…hahahaha hahaha…uhhh. It’s kinda like an American Thanksgiving, but it’s just different. Because you’re remembering different things than I think you….I dunno, like in American Thanksgiving.”

Korean Thanksgiving is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, as opposed to the solar calendar used in the US, which is why the date shifts. However, it usually occurs in November, roughly around the same time as American Thanksgiving. This is most likely because this time of year is harvest season, during which it is only natural to celebrate increased bounty. However, as my informant pointed out, the Korean version of this holiday celebrates something very different. Korean Thanksgiving celebrates (or rather, pays respect to) the deceased and ancestors. I think this is indicative of different cultural attitudes; whereas future-oriented America celebrates the new bounty of the year, past-oriented Korea pays respected to family members who are no longer there, but not entirely absent. Furthermore, in American Thanksgiving, the feast is eaten by all present as a way to celebrate the excess of a successful harvest. In the Korean version of the holiday, however, the choicest foods are set aside for ancestors. A large part of this holiday is placed-based, since the point of it is being able to visit the family plot. I found it interesting to hear how immigrant families have adapted the holiday to still keep the spirit of the holiday, even when they are not able to visit the graves in person.

The Disobedient Frog

Informant: “It’s about, like, this baby frog…hahahaha. Not a baby frog, ok, like..hahahaha”

Me: “A tadpole?”

Informant: “No hahahhahaha…like a kid frog. A kid frog, and he’s with his…he. So there’s a mother frog and a boy frog, and he’s extremely disobedient…and like sassy, right? And this mother frog is always like asking him to do things, but he’s always like messing around, talking back. So, um, yeah. He always just disobeyed her, he never really took her seriously. And like, um, she would tell him ok, this is how you croak like a frog. Like this is…like, what sound do frogs make? Like, ribbit, kind of? But in Korean the ribbit is different, but like she like, ok, so this is how you would ribbit. And she’s trying to teach him how to ribbit like a frog, like a proper frog. And like, you would like expand your stomach and say ribbit, ribbit. And the boy frog would be like ok. So he’s expand like his stomach, but be like…robbit. Or, or like some kind of other word. And she would get like so frustrated with him! And one day, the mother frog got really really sick, and she was kind of dying? And her last kind of dying wish to her son was, um, bury me on the mountain, and not near the river. And she said that precisely because she knew her disobedient frog son would do exactly the opposite as she told him, and she wanted to be buried on the mountain, so she was like, don’t bury me on the mountain. So he was like, ok. So she finally died, and then her son was soooo devastated, and he was like ohh my gosh, I can’t believe I’ve been so rude and so”

Me: “Wait, she wanted to be buried near the river or on the mountain?”

Informant: “She wanted to be buried on the mountain, but she asked him as a dying wish, don’t bury me on the mountain, bury me on the river. Cuz she was assuming he was gonna disobey her and do exactly the opposite. So when she did die, he was like really sad, and he was really regretful of what a horrible son he was. And he was like, I cannot believe, like, I just wasted my life being horrible to my mom and now she’s gone. And I guess…one thing I can at least do for her is to obey, finally, like…completely obey her wish. And…so he was like ok, I’m gonna bury her near the…next to the river. Cuz that’s what she told me to do. So, even though he knew it was like an unwise decision to bury her near the river, he did it anyway cuz that’s what he thought his mom wanted. Hahaha…so, he like…why am I laughing? Ok, he buried her next to the river and um, whenever it would rain, he would go and watch over that grave so that it wouldn’t wash away. And he’d be, um, crying. And like, making frog noises like, ribbiting I guess? What…every time it rains because he would be asking, like, oh please don’t let my mother’s grave wash away. He’d be crying, so there’s this kind of Korean, like, folk…tale? Like, that’s why frogs always make noises when it rains. Yeah, that’s basically it…hahaha.”

My informant recalls this tale her mother told her before bed when she was little. I would describe this as a cross between a märchen and an extended proverb. I would primarily identify it as a märchen because it features elements not meant to be taken as ‘real,’ namely the talking frogs. However, it also has an underlying moral element, as well as a lesson. The frog’s regret at his mother’s passing is a roundabout way of saying ‘listen to your parents.’ Note that my informant laughs when she explains what happens after the mother passes away. There is definite irony in the turn of events, and perhaps something to be said about giving someone instructions assuming they will do the opposite. However, the young frog repents and works doubly hard to make it up to his mother. Because his attitude change comes late, he must show his repentance by guarding over her grave every day for the rest of his life. In the end though, he is a good son. I also found the part at the end very amusing, as this parable turned into a proverb of sorts, explaining why frogs ribbit when it rains.