Folk Speech – American

“Shotgun, no blitz.”

My informant first heard this phrase from his friend while they were getting into his friend’s car.  As my informant and I were walking to the car out of target, my informant ran to the car and shouted “Shotgun, no blitz.”  He first said “shotgun,” because shotgun refers to the front seat of the car near the driver.  Then my informant said “no blitz” which I did not understand.  My informant said that when you play flag football, a person can say no blitz which means that the opposing team can not rush a person or tackle them.  In the case with getting the front seat in the car, he said “Shotgun, no blitz” so that I could not rush in and grab the passenger side before he gets to it.

There are many variations of saying “Shotgun” to get the passenger seat of the car.  Some other rules for saying this is that a person can not say “shotgun” until they actually step outside and see the car.  The saying can also not be said inside of a building or a house.  Another rule is that if a person knows where he or she is going, then he or she automatically gets shotgun.  The term “shotgun” is coined from the fact that back in history, the people who sat in the passenger side held shotguns.  This saying is very popular now because it helps a person reserve their seat on the passenger side.