“How many tries does it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a watermelon”

Date: April 1, 2022 

Source and Relationship: Grandfather

Type: Riddle, Family

Folklore/ Text: “How many tries does it take for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a watermelon?” 

Explanation/Context: My grandfather had seven children in the 60s, my mother being one of them. Needless to say, lots of nonsense was spilled around the house to merely fill the space with something more than chaos. One of my grandfather’s favorite sayings was this one, and depending on the day, the children would interpret it as rhetorical or not. It was then passed on through generations – my mom first taught it to me as a child and I have found myself teaching it to my younger cousins. The delivery of this riddle is best served quickly, so as to distract and confound the listener in a humorous way.