NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

Text: “NSFW” also expressed in long-form, “Not safe for work”.

Context: S.T. first used NSFW when describing a dirty joke he heard growing up. He used the short-hard version “NSFW”. He states that it means “NSFW” means he wouldn’t say it in a professional setting, but rather would say it to a romantic and/or sexual partner. S.T. first learned of “NSFW” from the internet/social media (perhaps Tumblr or Twitter). He uses “NSFW” in person, audibly, occasionally, but more commonly types it out in text messages.

Analysis: I came across this folk speech while collecting other pieces of folklore. The subject used NSFW to indicated that the dirty joke he was about to tell me was inappropriate and not to be used in mixed company – It was “not safe for work”. Personally, I learned of this phrase in 2019, when a friend was telling me details about a romantic partner over the phone, and wanted to make sure no one else was listening. Upon hearing the subject’s use, it became very clear that the term “NSFW” is a commonly used/known phrase, used to indicated that taboo topics may be discussed ahead. The phrase, in use, does not mean something is literally unsafe for a work setting, but rather that it would be inappropriate to discuss among colleagues/bosses/superiors. It typically indicates that what is to be said is best said among friends and close relations. It is commonly typed out as a warning over the phone, but can be used verbally as well.