Rest Room Pictures

The informant has seen this game among Japanese middle school students when she was in Japan.

This is the game widely played by male students in middle to high school. Males students, usually a group of three to four, wait outside of the restroom until someone goes in and takes a photo of person urinating or sometimes evacuating the bowels. Taking pictures of evacuating the bowels is harder because the photographer needs to climb up the wall of the room without someone realizing. After taking that picture, they show it to that person who was in the picture, and ask for buy something such as candies and cakes. If they agree to buy something the pictures are deleted. But sometimes they keep pictures to remain powerful in the class.

The only rule that they follow is that these pictures won’t be shown to girls, only shown to guys. Therefore, people who got taken pictures do not really feel teased because they always pay back by taking pictures.  In this game, a camera in the mobile phone is used. Sometimes this is also a way that the student shows off his better quality of the phone to others.