Senior Locker Room

At Mayfield Senior School, there is a designated locker room for the senior class, which consists usually around seventy-five girls. The rest of the school (freshmen, sophomores and juniors) must share two locker rooms and are not able to choose their own lockers. The seniors not only get their own locker room but it comes with a variety of accommodations. One of the perks is getting to choose their own lockers. Another is the senior class, as a whole, must agree upon a theme for their locker room and decorate/paint the room according to the theme. My class had chosen Disney’s Pixar and painted the characters of the movies. Every girl in the class participates even if she is not exactly artistic. The class also gets a new sofa for their locker room. Also, every last Monday of the month, five mothers of the students bring in breakfast and snacks for the class. 

 This tradition has been passed down from many Mayfield traditions. Mayfield is known to be very centered on sisterhood and history of school. They have several traditions and customs that have been kept alive in the school. It is something for the lower class men to look forward too and a kind of initiation. Every year each senior class tries to decorate their lockers better than the year before. It is a space of comfort and to feel at home.