Until Lions Write Their Own History, the Tale of the Hunt Will Always Glorify the Hunter

AU is a student at USC majoring in Anthropology with a minor in Journalism. She will begin her graduate studies next year at USC Dornsife. She is also a co-worker at the United University Church [UUC] working at the front desk.



Until lions write their own history, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.



This proverb is very prominent in Africa. My informant was very passionate about its meaning. She extrapolated on how it was representative of colonialism and that it is still an ongoing struggle today seeing as a majority of countries have been established under the yoke of Europe. For her this proverb is a way of saying that things, particularly the written record, will not change until the people who arose from colonialism seek to change their history.


I felt that I agreed with some of the points she made concerning the view that many countries who were established by European nations view their creators. There are many who see them as the “motherland” which causes conflict with others who do not hold the same views.



For a different version of this proverb please see the Introduction to Frederick Douglass’s book by Wendell Phillips