When it Rains it Thunders


I had a conversation about proverbs they had learned from their families with three female employees at a local taco shop during one of the less busy times of the day.  Mercedes Rodriguez, 42, Maria Lopez, 23, and Rosalba Valdez, 18 each consider themselves Mexican.  Rosalba was the only one born in the United States, though she is a second generation immigrant.  Rosalba’s mother would use this proverb whenever one bad thing happened and a lot of other things seemed to follow.


Cuando llueve truena.

Transliteration: When it rains it thunders.

Translation: When it rains it thunders.


This is much like the American proverb, when it rains it pours.  Interestingly, rain is connected with bad things in the context of this proverb, though rain may in many cases be a very good thing, especially for agriculture.