Author Archives: romps

Strangers Out in the Woods

Nationality: American
Primary Language: English
Other language(s): none
Age: 18
Occupation: High School Student
Residence: Colorado

Text: I am on a backpacking trip when one of our guides tells us a story of the past guide who quit a few years ago. The story goes that this guide Kate was very confident in her backpacking abilities so on her weekend off she decided to take a short solo backpacking trip. She leaves the next morning wanting to set up camp before dark. The trail she chooses is unfamiliar to her becuase she wanted to see a new place. She isn’t totally sure of her way but eventually finds a good flat place. Once she reaches her first camp she sets up her tent and goes to fill up on water near the river. When she is down near the river she has an odd sensation that someone is watching her. She looks around but no one is around. She didn’t see anyone else on her way up and there were no cars at the bottom either but she shakes the feeling. She decides to explore around her camp a little and see what the area is like. As she is kiking around she keeps hearing weird noises, rustling of leaves and twigs snaping behind her. She again get the feeling that someone is watching her and she heads back to camp a little shaken but still determained to stay the night. The sun sets and she goes to bed in her tent ready for some sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night she is woken up by a strange noise. She jolts awake and peaks out of the tent. At first she can not see anything, so she slowly gets up and out of the tent. Then a flashlight turns on. It is far in the distance but it’s pointed right at her. At this point she is a little nervous because she hadn’t seen anyone around during the day. Then two more flashlights appear, one on her right and another on her left, all equally spaced from the first. At the same moment all of them trun red and start moving towards her. She totally panicing at this point grabs half of her stuff leaving most of it behind and runs back to the trail. She keeps running until she has to stop and even then she keeps a quick pace down the rest of the mountain.

Context: Lots of modern ghost stories in Colorado center around the open spaces that are not very populated including deep in the mountains. Many of these stories are passed down amoung hikers and people that work in the moutain industries. Many of these stories are exaggerated or completely fake in order to provide a breif scare tothose new to the enviroment. Being out in the wilderness late at night with only fire as a light sorce is spooky already and a perfect atmostphere for aa good ghost story. The secluded and unknown nature of the protected parks and spaces in the mountains are ideal to create a spooky tale.

Your thoughts: I like these stories cause there is often a personal element about where you are or the people who have worked or been there before you. It is always a good scare when you hear these stories but most do not have any deeper meanings that some other ghost stories do. Colorado is a western state and therefore there is lots of Native American burial grounds and access to Native American culture that involves many, deeper in meaning ghost stories.

The Woman In the Window

Nationality: American
Primary Language: American English
Other language(s): none
Age: 21
Occupation: Full time student
Residence: New Jersey
Performance Date: 11/23/2023

Text: When I was a young girl about 10 my mom was looking for a new house so we spent a day touring different houses throughout this neighborhood in Jersey. She found this really nice one that she was really set on but when we went up to this house to tour it, I got this horrible feeling. It was like someone was breathing down my neck and I was just so scared all of a sudden. I told my mom this and I was adamant that we can not buy this house. My mom thought I was silly and told me that it was the perfect house and that it was very likely that we would buy this house. While she was talking with the relator person I started to wander around the house hoping that the feeling would go away. As I started up the steps the feeling staying with me prickling the back of my neck. Soon I got to this one room and the feeling was so intese and so scary just looking into that bedroom I simlpy turned around and ran out of the house. I don’t remeber how long I stayed out there but I couldn’t have been long and my mom came out, ready to leave. Ony then did I look back at the house and see a woman looking out of the upstairs bedroolm window. I turned back around with chills from head to toe completely terrrified of that house. I again pleaded with my mom not to buy the house but she would not here of the woman that I saw and could think of a hundred different possiblities for what I saw but I knew what I saw. I could not live in that house ever. Later maybe a week or so after our visit my mom was seriouly considering buying the house until we heard the history of the house. Some people who had lived in the surrounding neighborhhood to us the story of the late owner. She was an older woman about 60-70s and had commited suicide right in the upstaris bedroom where I saw the woman in the window. This was a deal breaker for my mother escpecially after she had heard me complaining and insisting for the past week about the house.

Context: This story was told at a Thanksgiving dinner table in Colorado by a family friend. We were sharing stories and simply talking around the table when she spoke up about a ghost story. She has a very interesting life and lots has happened to her in her lifetime so a good story is always expected though the ghostly twist was new. She thinks that the ghost of the former owner is hostile and still haunts the house. She has never been back to the house and never wants to see it again. It really frightened her and she does not like to mess with spirits like this.

Your thoughts: I think this ghost stroy fits some of the basic plots of ghost stories and is a common one heard in America. In America it is a goal to own a house so many people have houses and therefore could relate to some sort of previous owner story. This also has some common motifs like