
Kappa Alpha Theta Door Chant

Boom boom they’ll be nothing but Theta

Boom boom for the one I love

Boom boom they’ll be nothing but Theta

And the twin stars up above

Cuz there’s a Theta kite for every girl that’s’ right

And two twin stars shinning down so bright

Boom boom they’ll be nothing but Theta

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be a be a with a Theta now

Right here at USC

We wear our black and gold

For everyone to see

So if you’re thinking, hey hey what should I do?

Just remember, Theta loves you!

Kristin Boyert pledged the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at Southern Methodist University in Fall 2003 and transferred to the University of Southern California two years later.  She is now an active member of Theta at USC and has focused a lot of effort on philanthropies and rush. The Theta door chant is performed at rush to draw in and impress potential members of the sorority. The “door chant” aspect involves the sisters arranging themselves to completely fill the doors and windows and choreographing their hair and hands in unison to the tune.

The door chant is designed to make the prospective members feel wanted  (“they’ll be nothing but Theta”) while proclaiming their love for the sorority (“for the one I love”). The idea behind the door chant is to overwhelm the prospects with enthusiasm and passion, hoping to inspire the girls to join with a concentrated, united routine. It also reveals the symbols of the sorority, which are the twin stars and the kite. However, the song warns that not all girls are a correct fit for the sorority, and rush is often extremely competitive (Theta is one of the most coveted sororities at USC). Unfortunately, this song represents a very superficial process, designed to judge girls based solely on their résumés and first impressions. Still, rush is an incredible process in that it unites the entire house (often over 200 people) behind a common cause of recruiting the best girls for the future.