Colombian Nursery Rhyme

Type: Folk Nursery Rhyme

  1. “Sana que sana, colita de rana si no sanas hoy sanarás mañana.” Translation from Spanish to English: “Heal, heal, little frog’s bottom, if you don’t heal today, you’ll heal tomorrow.”
  2. I obtained this piece of folklore from my friend Daniela. Daniela was born and partially raised (only for a couple years) in the country of Columbia, in the city of Bogota. Since she spent a significant part of her childhood in Columbia, she remembers fondly this nursey rhyme. She was told this by her parents, friends of her parents, teachers, and other adults in her life. When appropriate and applicable, Daniela still sings the rhyme in her head, even if the listener is not Columbian or speaks Spanish. The translation from Spanish to English was provided by Daniela, who is multilingual.
  3. This rhyme has a specific role in Columbian life and culture. It is said whenever a child or young falls down and/or hurt themselves in the process. According to Daniela, this rhyme is one of the first thing you learn as a child. It is normal for adults to say this to children anywhere and jokingly to teens or adults under the age of 50. This is not just something said on the playground or at school, it is said anywhere, but only when children fall to the ground. It would also be rude to say this when older people (over the age of 50) fall.
  4. I really enjoy this short little rhyme. In American society we have similar sayings, such as “kaboom!” Clearly the Columbian version is longer, but what is interesting about this is that, according to Daniela, the saying is widely known by Columbians, especially since it is something learned during childhood. The rhyme is apart of the Columbian identity which is very special.