
The interlocutor (MP) grew up in Oaxaca, Mexico before immigrating to the US in his early twenties. I collected this recipe from him as he was making it.

DESCRIPTION: (told in person)
(MP): “You have to put a cup of white rice with some cinnamon sticks. I put two in there. You gotta let that sit overnight. When it’s time to make it, you put half in a blender and puree until it smoothens and becomes pasty.

Pour into a pitcher, but you gotta use a fine strainer to take out the liquid part and then repeat for the rest of the mix.

So you do this next part in the same pitcher as the mixture. Put in a can of evaporated milk and a can of condensed milk for the base and add a little bit of sugar for sweetness. I also use vanilla. Then you put in some water. Like 4 cups.

I like to put chunks of melon, pecans, and grapes in it too. very delicious.”

Horchata is a very popular and refreshing Mexican drink! I’ve been drinking this since I was a kid, and in my opinion, it’s best to drink it paired with something spicy. I appreciate this recipe a lot since MP learned this from his grandmother and makes it on occasion for the family. Yum!