No Arms and No Legs Jokes

The informant says that she first heard these jokes from her dad. “My dad loves telling jokes,” she said. “He’s the funniest person in our family.”

She said that the jokes in question are funny because they’re a bit insensitive. They take a physical disability and make fun of it by comparing a person to an inanimate object or word:

– What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who floats in the water? Answer: Bob

– What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who hides in a pile of leaves? Answer: Russel (Rustle, get it?)

– What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who lays in front of your door all day? Answer: Matt

– What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who you throw into a hole? Answer: Phil (Fill!)

– What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who comes out in the Spring? Answer: Bud

The informant says that her dad has been telling these kids of jokes since she was a child, and she always found them funny. She says she can’t recall anyone who found the jokes offensive, but she thinks that it could be because her father never told the jokes to people he knew would take offense. Her entire family, including extended family, thinks these jokes are some of the best they’ve heard. “We really value humor in my family, ” she said. He tells them mostly at family gatherings.