Tag Archives: wedding traditions



Kanyadaanam is a significant ritual that takes place during a traditional South Indian wedding. It is a sacred ceremony that marks the giving away of the bride by her parents to the groom. The word “Kanyadaanam” is derived from two Sanskrit words, “Kanya” which means daughter, and “Daanam” which means gift or donation.


Informant: AS is a 60-year-old man born in India and living in London, UK for the last 25 years. He is my uncle. He is an Orthopedic Surgeon practicing in London. 

Interviewer: When does this Kanyadaanam happen?

AS: The ceremony takes place on the wedding day, typically after the groom’s arrival at the wedding venue. The bride’s father or any male member of the family performs the Kanyadaanam ceremony.    In some cases, the bride’s mother may also participate in the ritual.

Interviewer: What happens during this ritual?

AS: The ceremony begins with the bride’s father washing the groom’s feet, which is a sign of respect and humility. The groom is then welcomed into the wedding mandapam (hall), where the Kanyadaanam ritual takes place.

Interviewer: Can you please explain the steps involved?

AS: During the wedding ceremony, the bride’s father places his daughter’s right hand on the groom’s right hand and pours holy water over their hands. He then recites mantras and prayers, seeking the blessings of the gods and goddesses for the couple’s happy and prosperous life. The bride’s father then places a coconut and betel leaves on the couple’s hands and ties them together with a sacred thread.

Interviewer: What does this ritual signify?

AS:  Bride’s father hands over the responsibility of his daughter to the groom, who promises to take care of her and fulfill his duties as a husband.

Interviewer: How do you know all these?

AS: Over the years, within our friends and family circle, I have attended more than 50 such rituals and learned this from elders, parents, and priests. 


The Kanyadaanam ceremony is considered one of the most important rituals in a South Indian wedding, as it symbolizes the complete acceptance of the bride into the groom’s family.  It is a moment of joy and emotion for both the bride and groom’s families.  The Kanyadaanam ceremony is considered an emotional moment for the bride’s family, as they bid farewell to their daughter and give her away to a new family.  It is also a moment of joy for the groom’s family, as they welcome the new bride into their family and accept her as one of their own. The ceremony is performed with great devotion and reverence and is an important part of the rich cultural heritage of South India.



Saptapadi, also known as the seven steps or vows, is a sacred ritual that takes place during a traditional South Indian wedding. It is considered one of the most important ceremonies of the wedding and symbolizes the union of the bride and groom as husband and wife.  The word “Saptapadi” is derived from two Sanskrit words, “Sapta” which means seven, and “Padi” which means steps.


Informant: AA is a 50-year-old woman born in India and living in London, UK for the last 25 years.  She is my aunt. She is a General Physician practicing in London.

Interviewer: When does this Saptapadi ritual happen?

AA: The Saptapadi ceremony takes place after the Kanyadaanam ritual, and it involves the bride and groom taking seven steps together around the sacred fire.  Each step is taken with a vow or promises the couple makes to each other.

Interviewer:  What happens during this ritual?

AA:  The ceremony begins with the bride and groom standing facing each other, holding hands. The priest recites mantras and prayers, seeking the blessings of the gods and goddesses for the couple’s happy and prosperous life.  The bride and groom then take seven steps together around the sacred fire, with each step representing a promise or vow.

Interviewer:  What do you think is the significance of each step?

AA:  Each step has its own significance.

  1. The first step is taken for food and nourishment, a commitment to taking care of each other’s physical needs.
  2. The second step is taken for strength and power, a pledge to support each other and overcome any challenges that may come their way.
  3. The third step is taken for prosperity and wealth, a commitment to sharing their wealth and building a successful life together.
  4. The fourth step is taken for happiness, a promise to bring happiness and joy into each other’s lives.
  5. The fifth step is taken for children, a pledge to raise a family together and to provide their children with love, care, and education.
  6. The sixth step is taken for friendship, a commitment to being each other’s best friend and companion for life.
  7. The seventh and final step is taken for eternity, a promise to love and cherish each other for all eternity.

Interviewer: How do you know all these?

AA: I performed this ritual during my wedding. Also, over the years, within our friends and family circle, I have attended more than 25 such rituals and learned this from elders, parents, and priests. 


The Saptapadi ceremony is a significant ritual in a traditional South Indian wedding, as it symbolizes the union of two individuals into one. It is a moment of joy and celebration, as the couple takes their first steps together as husband and wife.    The Saptapadi ceremony is a beautiful and meaningful ritual that emphasizes the importance of mutual love, respect, and commitment between the bride and groom.  The Saptapadi ceremony interpretation lies in the seven vows or promises that the bride and groom make to each other. These vows symbolize the commitment that the couple has towards each other and the life they will share together.



Metti, also known as ‘Metti poduthal’, is an important ritual that takes place during the South Indian wedding ceremony.  It is a ritual that is performed by the groom, and it involves the wearing of a toe ring or ‘Metti’ on the bride’s second toe of both feet.   The Metti is made of either silver or gold and is an integral part of the bridal jewelry.


Informant: AA is a 50-year-old woman born in India and living in London, UK for the last 25 years.  She is my aunt. She is a General Physician practicing in London.

Interviewer: What happens during this ritual?

AA: During the Metti ritual, the groom ties the toe ring on the bride’s second toe of both feet. The groom’s sisters or female relatives also participate in the ritual by placing kumkum or vermillion powder on the bride’s feet.

Interviewer: What is the significance of this ritual?

AA: This ritual symbolizes the acceptance of the bride into the groom’s family and the groom’s commitment to protect and take care of the bride.

Interviewer: Are there any beliefs that metti has impacts on physical health?

AA: The toe ring is usually made of silver or gold, which is known for its healing and purifying properties. These properties are believed to be absorbed by the body through the toes, which are considered to be the nerve endings of the body.

Interviewer: Are there any beliefs that metti has impacts on women’s reproductive health?

AA: By tying the Metti, the groom is believed to be invoking the blessings of the divine mother and seeking her protection for the bride’s reproductive health.

Interviewer: How do you know all these?

AA: I have done this ritual during my wedding. Also, over the years, within our friends and family circle, I have attended more than 25 such rituals and learned this from elders, parents, and priests.    


The Metti has cultural and social significance.  In many South Indian communities, the Metti is considered to be a symbol of a married woman.  The Metti is also considered to be a symbol of love and commitment between the husband and wife.  It is believed in Indian tradition, that the second toe of the feet corresponds to the uterus and ovaries in women. The significance of Metti lies in its association with the well-being of the bride’s reproductive health. It is believed that the Metti helps regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent certain reproductive disorders.



Panda Kaal Muhurtham is one of Tamil culture’s most significant pre-wedding rituals. It is a sacred ceremony that takes place before the actual wedding day and marks the beginning of the wedding preparations.  It is also referred to as “Panda Kaal Naduthal”.


Informant: AA is a 50-year-old woman born in India and living in London, UK for the last 25 years. She is my aunt. She is a General Physician practicing in London. 

Interviewer: What is your understanding of the words “Panda Kaal Naduthal”?

AA:  The word “Panda” means auspicious and “Kaal” means time. Therefore, Panda Kaal Naduthal is the auspicious time that is selected for the wedding ritual.  It is done usually 3 or 5 days before the wedding day.  This is based on the bride and groom’s birth chart, which is known as the “Jathagam” in Tamil.

Interviewer: Can you explain in detail who and how the auspicious time is determined?

AA: The date and time of the Panda Kaal Naduthal is suggested by a professional astrologer who takes into account the position of the stars, planets, and the moon.  The astrologer also considers other factors such as the date and time of birth of the bride and groom, their zodiac signs, and the alignment of the planets at the time of the wedding.

Interviewer: Can you elaborate on what happens during this ritual?

AA:  During this ceremony, a bamboo stick is first cleaned with water, milk, turmeric, and sandalwood paste.  It is then decorated with flowers, mango leaves, and turmeric powder. Typically 7 or 9 married women will hold the bamboo stick and the priest recites mantras and prayers, seeking the blessings of the gods and goddesses for a successful and happy wedding.  The bamboo stick is then placed in a pot filled with water and sand, symbolizing the start of a new journey for the couple.

Interviewer: Why do they use the Bamboo Stick?

AA: The bamboo stick is cut from a healthy bamboo plant, which is considered a symbol of strength, resilience, and longevity. The bamboo plant is also known for its ability to grow quickly, which is seen as a sign of prosperity and growth. 

Interviewer: How do you know all these?

AA: This ritual was performed during our wedding. Also, over the years, within our friends and family circle, I have attended more than 25 such rituals and learned this from elders, parents, and priests. 


In Tamil culture, the Panda Kaal Naduthal is considered very important, as it sets the tone for the entire wedding ceremony.  It is believed that if the Panda Kaal Naduthal is not performed at the right time, it could bring bad luck and affect the marriage in a negative way.  The bamboo stick is also considered a symbol of the groom, as it is believed that the groom represents the bamboo plant, which is strong, resilient, and able to withstand any challenge. The bamboo stick is therefore used to bless the groom and to ensure that he is successful in his life ahead.  It is believed that the bamboo stick will bring good luck and prosperity to the couple and protect them from any obstacles that may come their way.  The Panda Kaal Naduthal is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Tamil Nadu and is an important part of the wedding ceremony.

Ewiha Chant (Zalghouta): Folklore Song/Gesture

Text: Ewiha Chant (Zalghouta)

Context: AH’s relationship to this piece stems from his Lebanese culture which allows him to have various experiences as he heard this song/gesture within his childhood and early adult life. His relationship relates to his connection with his aunt as she is the specific woman in his family that is in charge of leading the performance. He typically hears this chant at weddings during the dinner portion of the event or after the ceremony. Within his family, they typically use this song/gesture as a Lebanese tradition as they wish good luck to the newly wed couple. Within the tradition, self-expression is evident as yells, screams, yodeling and ululations are present. AH interprets this tradition as a good luck charm and as a sign of felicitations as his family believes that if this song/gesture is not performed, it is considered bad luck on the newly wed couple.

Analysis: The overall cultural value within this song/gesture is based on the act of ululating (zalghouta) which is practiced all over the Middle East and in some parts of Africa. Given that this act stems from Lebanese tradition, it holds cultural values within women considering this song/gesture is typically done by women given they are the only ones that can perform an ululation which is a high-pitched tongue trill. I see this gesture/song as an overall expression of happiness, joy, and celebration. Considering that I have not experienced this tradition being performed, I believe that this song/gesture during family events is a momentous moment that is filled with positive affirmations as two families conjoin together where luck, love, and unity is emitted within the atmosphere.