The Moral of the Story

Main Story: There is this story of a man who came to the village where there were a lot of people contemplating already the meaning of the consciousness and being conscious. And he came to this village and you could tell he was completely different. He was dressed differently. He didn’t look like male and he didn’t look like female. He had a long hair and so everybody was very confused and everybody they broke the silence and they start whispering to each other “Do you see how he looks? What is he male? Is he female? Look at whatever he is wearing is it dress? But I think he is man.” And there was a lot of people talking about him already and so he made a circle and he left the village. And the people finally broke the silence. And the people they start telling each other. The same judgmental way of talking about him. The man who was there who was in charge of the meeting because they had a meeting he said “What did you learn? What did you see?” And people knew he was going to talk about the judgment. They said we saw something different but there was no judgment. There was nothing bad about this. They start excusing him and you could tell that they noticed he was different but it wasn’t a big deal. And the mentor. The main guy. Listen everybody. And, at the end, he say “None of you got it.” And everybody was surprised. The point was not to not care that he was different. The pure consciousness is not to even notice he was different.

Background Information: Gosia is Polish. She’s the fiancee of Glen Steele.

Context of the Performance: The story was performed in Glen’s house.

My Thoughts on the Piece: I thought this was a very interesting story. It feels incredibly modern and yet it is set in a very traditional village. It really goes to remind you that people have always been dealing with prejudice.