Tumblr Culture

Informant: I saw it on Tumblr. Cause you know they have text boxes and stuff.

Collector: I still can’t use Tumblr the right way. I try so hard. I think I just reinstalled it on my phone ‘cuz I’m gonna give it another go!

Informant: I like looking at it just for…You know, that’s how I got the inspiration for my room and stuff.

Collector: I just wanna learn how to use it correctly!

Informant: I can teach you!

Collector: Okay!

Informant: It’s like Pinterest, but there are no organized boards. You just read.

Collector: I just have a hard time finding people to follow.

Informant: What I usually do is, like if I’m going through my feed, the person that I reblog the picture from, whoever they got it from I’ll follow them, too. And then it kind of just becomes this whole thing.

Collector: It’s like Tumblr culture.

Informant: Yeah.

Collector’s Notes: Tumblr is a new craze that has really grown in the past couple of years.  I don’t know much about it, as made clear by the interview, but it seems like second nature to a lot of teenagers and young adults of today.  What it is, essentially, is a combination of all social media, but in a more raw form.  If someone likes a picture, recipe, or quote, they share it as a blog post on Tumblr, and then it gets passed around and commented on by all the other users in a person’s circle of followers.  While I think it’s great for passing around culture and bonding through a digital medium, I worry that it prolongs this idea of no longer using words as communication.  Why say what you’re thinking when you can just reblog someone else saying it for you?  Or a picture?  We’ve come a long way from unlimited prose in statuses on Facebook.