Text: In Dalit Tradition, you are supposed to place the mandir (temple) in the southwest direction of the house.

Context: When my friend’s brother was crafting his home, he wove in the ancient wisdom of Vaastu Shastra, a revered Indian ethos aligning architecture with cosmic energies for harmony. In a mindful move, he placed the sacred mandir facing the southwest, as advised, ensuring a home cradled in positive vibrations and prosperity, a testament to Indian traditions. He was talking about how his family believes in Vaastu as they consider the placements of each parts of the house as “important parts in deciding the house’s energy.”


The placement of the mandir (temple) in the southwest direction of a house, adhering to Vaastu Shastra principles, reflects a deep-rooted cultural and spiritual ethos within Indian tradition. This architectural practice transcends mere structural design, embodying a holistic approach to living that aligns with cosmic energies for harmony and prosperity. Such practices resonate with Ülo Valk’s observation that folkloric entities and practices are “shaped by the perspectives…of storytellers” (Valk 31), suggesting that these architectural choices are infused with cultural narratives and wisdom passed down through generations.

This mindful integration of the mandir within a home’s architecture speaks to the historical and cultural significance of sacred spaces in Indian tradition. It echoes Domino Renee Perez’s insight that folklore and cultural practices wield power by making “often incomprehensible and at times contemptible choices” (Perez 155), highlighting a deep-seated reverence for tradition and unseen cosmic forces. The adherence to Vaastu Shastra in modern living represents a dialogue between tradition and modernity, anchoring individuals within a continuum of time-honored practices and offering a sense of continuity amidst contemporary life. In essence, aligning a home according to Vaastu Shastra principles, particularly in the placement of sacred spaces, is a manifestation of the enduring influence of spiritual traditions in shaping personal and communal environments. It illustrates a worldview that regards the home as a microcosm of the universe, where directions and spatial arrangements are imbued with deeper meanings, thus integrating the sacred into everyday life and maintaining a vibrant connection with cultural heritage.