“A duck walks into a bar…”

A duck walks into a bar, walks up to the bartender and says “Hey you got any cheese?” and the bartender says “No, why would I have any cheese?” so the duck walks out. The next day, the duck walks back into the bar and says “Hey, you got any cheese?” and the bartender says “No! why would I have cheese? Get out of here” so the duck leaves. Then the next day the duck walks into the bar and says “Hey, you got any cheese?” and the bartender yells “No! Why would I have any cheese?! If you ever come in here and ask me again I’m gonna nail your feet to the floorboards” so the duck the leaves. The next day the duck walks into the bar and says “Hey, you got any nails?”. The bartender says no. So the duck says “Hey, you got any cheese?”

Who told you this joke?

MB: “My dad, I’m not sure where he learned it though, maybe a joke book or something like that”

When would he tell this joke?

MB: “Well he was always telling me jokes. This was like his big one though. He would tell it to people as like his big joke”

I thought this joke was interesting because it’s almost like a meta joke since it doesn’t give the answer you think it will. The whole time you are expecting the question “you got any cheese” to have some sort of meaning when, in reality, it is just leading up to the punchline and the actual content of the question isn’t important at all.