
The informant is California-born Chinese American. She is a member of Chaotic 3 (or C3), which is a hop hop organization at USC.


We’re not C1


We’re not C2

Hell No!

We are C3


We are C3


We are C3

Whoop Whoop!

Informant: “C3 is a hip hop dance organization at USC. We say this chant after each practice, and at competitions for team morale. We choose one person to say the first line, and the whole team says the every second line. The first line is said by different person, and how to pick that one person is completely random. Somebody just yells at a name, and that person has to do it.”

“I don’t know who made it. All I know is that this chant has been around a long time. The chant hasn’t changed in three years for sure, because it is the same chant I said when I first entered this group. This year is my third year.”

“When we say it, we put our hands to the middle, and at the last line, we throw our hands up. We almost always do it, and it’s nice. It definitely boosts our morale, and we feel like we are together as a team.”

Team chants have long history. Anthropologists claim that humans, even at the time of their first appearance, made team chants to establish a sense of society. Those chants were said before going hunting, before going to war, etc. The activity of chanting together, especially when the message honors the group as a whole, is enough to boost up the team morale. By chanting daily, the members are reminded of their membership, and their loyalty towards the team grows. This C3 chant is easy, simple and fun. Chanting this would definitely help the team come together.