Christmas Dinner

“Well there is the traditional, like, British food stuffs.”




“… that we do. And, like, my Mom just always made Yorkshire pudding, and I guess her mom always made Yorkshire pudding and…”


“Do you know, do you use, like, a recipe that that, like, from anywhere in particular? Like a family recipe?”


“Not that I know of, but I mean it might be. I’m sure at this point it was adapted from somebody’s recipe haha. But, it’s, you know, I think it’s one of those index cards that just has, ya know, yay-much flour and yay-much other stuff that goes into it.”


“And so do you have that at Christmastime?”




“For Christmas Eve?”


“Yeah, well, Christmas Day is the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. And Christmas Eve varies depending on what kind of mood we’re in. My mom actually threatened to take away Christmas Day dinner and replace it with lamb. And I was like, lady, I like lamb but, like, I look forward to that roast beef. That’s the one day out of the whole year that I can I have that for dinner. And I look forward to it every year, you’re not takin’ it away.”




“So, it’s, like, keep the lamb for Easter. It’s always lamb for Easter and always roast beef at Christmas.”




“Yeah, and then, otherwise, other holidays are up for grabs. Except, Thanksgiving, is turkey, of course.”


“Yes, can’t change turkey.”




“So, what’s in the Yorkshire pudding. Like, when, this is why I always get confused British food cuz, like, when I think of pudding, I’m thinkin’, like, chocolate pudding haha. That’s like, totally, not what it is in Britain.”


“Yeah, Yorkshire pudding is flour and the drippings from the pan, from the meat.”


“Does it, is it, like, a little bread kind of thing?”


“Yeah, yeah it’s like a soft bread. And it’s, like, it’s flat on the pan and then the sides, like, blow up so you get like, this weird, like angular…”


“Bowlish thing.”


“Yeah, it’s really good.”


“Interesting. And so, how did the roast beef get started? Is that like a British thing or just a you-thing haha? Have to have my roast beef!”


“I don’t know, cuz, like, it was always the dish before I was, like, whatever kind of a carnivore that I am now haha. Um, I think it was just, it was probably, um, the more British side of my family coming into play. Um, I’m assuming that’s what my mom had growing up with her and her brothers and, um, I don’t know how much of, er, I don’t know that much about my grandpa or my grandma growing up. What kinds of stuff. Yeah, I know my grandma grew up on a farm.”

Yorkshire pudding, a distinctly British food, is an example of a cultural tradition somehow surviving its way into American society, at least for some people who like to have fun with acknowledging some of their ancestor’s country’s traditions.