Family Musical Performance at Get-Togethers


“Whenever we have a family gathering, everyone brings their instruments and we put together a big family music performance – usually bluegrass or some symphonic ensemble piece. This ritual serves as a bonding experience for us. It’s something we’ve done for generations. Whenever we have a family gathering, everyone brings their instruments and we put together a big family music performance – usually bluegrass or some symphonic ensemble piece.”


The informant is a 21-year-old university student from the United States, of Irish descent. The aforementioned family event happens annually, usually in summer. The informant came from a family of musicians: her grandparents taught music education at the university level, her mother is a composer and a professional trumpet player, her father directs marching bands, her aunt and uncle are percussionists, her cousins sing, play fiddle, and study guitar at university, and the informant herself play horn and piano. The informant considers this musical performance a significant bonding experience among family members.


As a family-specific identity marker, music distinguishes the informant’s family and is a characterizing trait shared across generations. To celebrate the family’s reunion and each family member’s musical heritage and accomplishments, it’s natural to arrange and perform a symphonic ensemble piece that may be only applicable to the informant’s family, for each family specializes in a variety of musical instruments and different related skills. On a personal level, being a musician is a part of the informant’s identity that gives her a sense of belonging to her loved family.

It’s worth noting that the family musical event happens annually in summer, which is likely due to the beginning of summer break when the youngest generation of the family returns home from their universities. This highlights how the musical trait is a heritage passed down and will likely be continued as the torch is handed over to the youngest generation, with most of them pursuing music-related education. Correspondingly, hosting the event in summer is not only due to factually it’s when all families reunite, but also because of the focus on the youngest generation and the expectation that they will continue the family’s musical professionalism like their parents and grandparents.