Green Tea Facial Pack

The informant is Chinese, and she lived in China until her middle school years. She went to high school in the states, and currently is a Cinematic Arts student at USC. Her home is Shanghai, and she returns home every break. She is an only child.


How to make Green Tea Facial Pack.

1. Prepare a bowl.

2. Fill the bowl with water, then add green tea powder. The ratio should be 1:1.

3. Place cotton pads in mixture, so that the pads will soak up the substance.

4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.

5. Place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

6. Once it becomes cold, take the pads out and put it on clean face.

7. After 30 minutes, lift the pads.


(Do it 2~3 times a week. It brightens skin tone and helps treat acne.)


Informant: “I learned about this facial pack from my mom, who learned it from Grandma. It’s a traditional skin care routine in China. According to Mom, it is better than purchased facial packs, because it only uses pure and organic materials. She also told me there is a reason why this routine didn’t go out of date after all those years.”

“I definitely saw positive effects on acne treatment after using this method. I don’t really care about skin tone brightening, so I don’t know about effect on that. I’m a lazy person, so I don’t do it 2-3 times a day. Instead, I do it day before I have special occasions, such as performances, photoshoots, etc. My mom loves this facial pack so she have been following this routine consistently. Her skin is clean and healthy. My mom once told me about this girl whose face was covered in acnes. She tried this method, and after few months her face was clean as a newly born baby.”



Green tea is the most popular form of tea in China. It is interesting to see Chinese people utilizing green tea in various ways. This method was passed down from generation to generation. Hearing about her mom’s clean skin and a story of the girl  who cured acne, I want to try this Green tea facial pack. Words of ‘I heard someone saw positive effect through this routine’ would help spread this routine to various people.