Hauntings in a Hospital

My friend’s mom worked as an assistant nurse in the Hospice wing of a hospital. In that same floor of the hospital, there was a physical therapy room also near a crematorium. One day, a man walked past the physical therapy room and he claimed to have seen one of the exercise bikes moving by itself. He told my friend’s mom that strange things would happen in that room and things would feel off. This man was allegedly a medium and he would tell my friend’s mom of similar supernatural occurrences. The man went as far as to say the entire floor of the hospital was haunted. 

This was a story told to my friend by his mom and according to him, both he and his mom believe these ghost stories. When I asked why, my friend said it was especially the case something like this took place in a hospital because it was “so charged by death”.

I’ve heard so many ghost/haunting stories about supernatural activity at a hospital and like most ghost stories I am unsure of whether to believe them or not because the logic behind hauntings at hospitals does make sense, but then again, on what grounds?