In the following interview, a energy worker and herbal and flower essence specialist explains the significance of the rosemary herb:
Interviewer: “What is one of the main herbs you suggest to your patients?”
Informant: “Rosemary is an herbal staple. It’s a grounding herb that helps your spirit stay connected to your physical body especially during stressful and challenging situations”
Interviewer: “How do people use Rosemary?”
Informant: “You can rub the herb on any part of your body to make you feel more grounded, especially the forehead and in the palms. Rosemary can also be ingested which will have the same effect”
Analysis: I have used rosemary and believe it works. I feel more grounded and able to control my own body when either ingesting or touching this herb however I understand that there is a lack of scientific evidence to back up this claim. I first heard about this homeopathic method from the informant who heard it from her teacher who prefers to remain anonymous. She does energy work on both humans and animals and has had great success with her controversial methods. Using the Earth’s resources as medicine has been around since the beginning of time and the informant is building off of their ancient work to discover more about the undiscovered field.