Tea Ceremony

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 40

Nationality: Mexican/American

Primary Language(s): Spanish, English


“When I make matcha I roughly make it an homage to the Japanese tea ceremony I saw in Japan. Basically I try to treat it like something more special than just making a drink. I’m more intentional about it – I rinse the match bowl with hot water, I sift the matcha slowly, I froth it up real good. It’s a meditation, and it’s so effective that I lose myself. That part is maybe hard to explain more clearly. I went to Japan in 2019 for fun. It was at a tea house where they specifically perform the ceremony. It wasn’t the most organic thing but still beautiful. Everyone got to drink some and it was splendid.”


This informant travels frequently and has visited countries across the world. Japan is one of his favorite places to revisit.


This ritual is practiced in homage to another ritual. By performing the ritual the way it was intended to be practiced, the informant is showing respect and admiration. His intention to reach authenticity demonstrates a respect for an admiration of the original cultural practice. Additionally, there is a spiritual component to the practice. By making the drink slowly and intentionally – the same way the tea house made the drink – the process of making the drink becomes a spiritual, meditative practice distinctive from any other method of beverage-making.