Author Archives: jswimmer


This informant talked about one of the most famous cryptids to roam the Earth, Bigfoot. This legendary figure fascinates people to this day with its mysterious presence in the American Pacific Northwest. According to my informant, the legend of Bigfoot dates back centuries to accounts from Native American tribes who told stories about a giant ape-like creature who lived in the wilderness. There have been “sightings” in more recent times however many of them are dismissed as hoaxes and misidentifications. In our world today Bigfoot has become a pop culture icon, appearing in a variety of media from documentaries to horror movies. The draw to Bigfoot is the mystery surrounding the creature. Bigfoot stands as a challenge to understand our natural world, sparking the curiosity of millions. 

My informant’s connection to the legendary figure comes from a deep rooted fascination with cryptids of all sorts. From a young age, they were drawn to the mystery which shrouds the creature. First learning of the creature from tales their father told them, my informant spent countless hours scouring all kinds of databases searching for answers which still remain unknown. 

I believe that the legend of Bigfoot provides a rich tapestry of North American folklore and expresses a firm message of cultural symbolism. As my informant stated, the legend of Bigfoot comes from oral traditions within Native American tribes. Over time these stories evolved to reflect common cultural beliefs. Something which makes Bigfoot such a notable figure in the world of cryptids is the sheer number of reported sightings and encounters. Many sightings are dismissed as hoaxes and fakes however some remain purely unexplainable, fueling speculation. Within the ever growing expansion of civilized America, Bigfoot symbolized the untamed wilderness capturing the imagination of many.


My informant for this collection talked about the famous lost city of Atlantis. Said to be a fabled island city which vanished beneath the waves in a catastrophic event, Atlantis is a myth which has been told and retold for centuries. Its exact location remains unknown and has remained a topic of speculation for some time. Atlantis was a civilization which was known for its advanced technology. Despite its achievements as a progressive civilization, Atlantis eventually fell and its downfall remains one of the greatest mysteries in history. Atlantis still impacts our world today as an inspiration for numerous filmmakers, novelists, and video game creators. 

Although the abstract my informant recounted was brief, the connection they have with Atlantis stems from a deep appreciation of the myth. To my informant, the story of Atlantis has captured the imagination of people around the world, including Americans, who continue to speculate about its existence and significance.

The lost city of Atlantis has its fair share of cultural symbolism, captivating the imagination of countless works in literature, art, and pop culture. This myth originated from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who mentioned it in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias” in the year 360 BCE. The recounts of the city were that of a powerful advanced civilization which met its demise in a single day of cataclysmic destruction. The story of Atlantis acts as a symbol for humanity balancing greatness with the consequences of moral decay. I believe that this story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of excessiveness on the fragile human experience.

Paul Bunyan

According to my informant, Paul Bunyan is an American legend who hails from the lumbar camps of North America. Even his birth was legendary, as it took five storks to deliver him. From his birth, he grew exponentially, growing to enormous heights and proportions. As he grew up he accomplished a number of impressive feats. Notable adventures include carving out the Grand Canyon himself and creating the American Great Lakes. Paul Bunyan has a special companion, a blue ox named Babe who helps Bunyan level forests. According to my informant these stories are obvious exaggerations, however there is a humor to the absurdity of Paul Bunyan who defies the law of physics. 

This informant’s relationship to Paul Bunyan was through grade school. My informant’s middle school messaged Paul Bunyan to be a larger-than-life lumberjack who is said to have performed incredible feats. Paul Bunyan continues to be used as a reminder of the American spirit to my informant.

The legend of Paul Bunyan originates from the lumber camps in North America, similar to the alleged birth of the figure. The Red River Lumber Company is credited with the publication of Bunyan through advertising pamphlets. The publicity grew and the large persona of Bunyan eventually became a symbol for the grandeur and vastness of the American wilderness rather than a marketing tactic for a lumber company. The absurd feats of Paul Bunyan transcend human capability, symbolizing the limitless potential of America and its citizens. By embodying themes such as individualism, resourcefulness, and imagination, Paul Bunyan is a direct symbol for the triumphs which were pushed by American expansionism. 

Johnny Appleseed

This informant discussed a legendary figure from American history who left a permanent impact on American folklore. According to my informant, Johnny Appleseed grew up on the eastern coast and forged his way across the country. Following the common cultural belief of manifest destiny, Johnny Appleseed embarked on his personal mission; to plant apple orchards throughout the expanding American frontier. He had a very distinct appearance, usually wearing a tin pot as a hat as well as a sack of apple seeds over his shoulder. Johnny Appleseed spread prosperity for future generations, traveling across terrain of all varieties. He was known as someone with a very kind heart with a gentle soul and a special connection to nature.

My informant’s relationship to Johnny Appleseed stems from teachings of early elementary school. In elementary school, Johnny Appleseed, also known as John Chapman, is taught as a folk hero who is said to have traveled across the American frontier planting apple seeds, spreading the cultivation of apple trees, and promoting good deeds.

Personally, I believe that the legend of Johnny Applessed is a classic example of American folklore. The original story of Johnny Appleseed emerges from a time of westward expansion in America, mid to late 19th century. As settlers ventured into the vast wilderness of the west, they kept to them a goal of cultivating the land into civilization. Johnny Appleseed embodies a symbol of the spirit of America, embarking on his personal journey to plant apple orchards across the unknown frontier. Johnny Appleseed’s mission serves as another symbol by providing sustenance for the future generations and a promise for a better future. Johnny Appleseed ascended to the status of a folk hero due to the kindness and generosity he expressed on his journeys. His legend has been passed down through generations and will continue to be passed down as he fulfills the human need for American heroes and legends.

Turkey Wishbone

A common practice at my informant’s house revolves around the beloved American holiday, Thanksgiving. Every year after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner has been eaten, members of the family are left with the discarded remnants of their meal including a specific bone left in the turkey. This bone is not considered to be garbage like the rest of the remains, however it can actually be considered one of the most important items on the table. Two people hold either end of the wishbone and pull on it trying to break it. While they are tugging, both people make a wish which they keep to themselves. Once the turkey wishbone is broken, the person who is left holding the bigger side is declared the winner and their wish is the one which is granted.

The tradition of breaking the wishbone after Thanksgiving dinner offers many insights into cultural beliefs, rituals, and communal practices within American families. This ritual holds significance far beyond its base function. It serves as a means of fostering social bonds and reinforcing familial traditions, as members of the family come together to participate in this shared activity. By pulling on opposite ends of the bone and making secret wishes, participants engage in a form of sympathetic magic, believing that their desires will be fulfilled if they emerge victorious. The power of the wishbone to bring luck or grant wishes reflects a broader cultural fascination with luck, fortune, and the supernatural. The tradition of breaking the wishbone also illustrates the adaptive nature of folklore, as it has been passed down through generations and adapted to fit contemporary contexts. The wishbone ritual continues to be practiced and valued within modern American households, demonstrating its enduring relevance and cultural significance. This offers a fascinating glimpse into the cultural beliefs, social dynamics, and communal practices within American families.