Author Archives: mrivera1

The Ghost In The Laundry Room

Nationality: American
Primary Language: English
Other language(s): N/A
Age: 18 yrs
Occupation: College Student
Residence: Southern California
Performance Date: 8 years ago

H.H is 18 years old. She lives in Southern California, in the same hometown as I. I had a conversation about her regarding any ghost experiences she has had in life. She mentions a story in the home she’s lived in since elementary school. She tells me this ghost story that happened when she was around 10 years old.

“It was maybe 8pm. The sun had already gone down and it was pretty dark. I was upstairs alone and my family had gone out leaving just me and my sister in the house with our animals. The bulldog was upstairs with me and we were playing tug a war in the middle hallway. Everything seemed fine- completely normal when he suddenly dropped the rope and looked around suddenly startled. His fur stuck up, clearly spooked and he started walking away from me. Stopping just before the open laundry room. It was dark, and the machines were off. Suddenly, it was very, very, quiet. He stood there and stared for a good long few minutes. And then starts barking aggressively at the empty room. I didn’t know what to do, he was starting to frighten me and I was spooked by the whole empty room situation he was suddenly offended by. I closed the door and he stopped barking but did not get comfortable again until I brought him downstairs and away from the room. He never wanted to go back up those stairs… and the laundry room shares a wall with my bedroom.” 

I think this ghost story is very interesting. I’ve known H.H for some time and know she has experienced many different spirits in life. Hearing this was interesting though as it tied into the idea of dogs being able to see more than the human eye can. After she did tell me this though I did ask for another story as this first one left me so intrigued and it feels like she may have vengeful ghosts in her house considering her dog didn’t seem too fond of the laundry room ghost.

The Blue Ghost Kids

Primary Language: English
Other language(s): Spanish
Age: 18 yrs
Occupation: College Student
Residence: Southern California
Performance Date: 7 years ago

A.R is 18 years old. She lives in a town neighboring my own in Southern California. She has already told me many ghost stories about her home in the past and I asked for a new one to write my ghost stories collection paper on. A.R. told me a story that happened back on Halloween night when she was eleven years old at the house she currently lives in. 

“It was a couple years ago on Halloween. I was eleven years old and back then my house had a whole hallway with all the rooms. At the end of the hallway was my moms room, and my cousin’s room(B.Y) was next to hers. Across from my cousin’s room was the bathroom that was also connected to my parents room. On Halloween, after trick-or-treating my family and I fell asleep in my moms room. There were only 3 of us at home at the time, me, my mom, and my sibling. At this time we already kind of had a feeling that the house was haunted. At 3am my mom and I woke up to hearing the garage door open, and we figured B.Y was home because the only way to get in was through using a password to get into the garage. He walked down the hallway and went to his room, he stayed there for like ten minutes, walked into the bathroom and stayed there for like fifteen minutes, then walked down the hallway and closed the garage. My mom ends up calling him and asking why he left but he said he wasn’t home. He was at Jack in the box. His friends were all there saying yeah he did not go back yet. So he hurried home as he was the man of the house at the time and my mom figured someone possibly broke in. He finally came home and we all fell back to sleep, but my mom ended up waking up at one point again in the night. She told me that she turned her head and saw two kids standing with only their heads poking out by the bathroom door. They were blue and just stared at my mom. She told me about the kid sighting not too long ago now though because she didn’t want me to get scared when I was younger. I do believe that house and especially the garage is haunted though as so many scary things have happened to me there.”

I honestly find this story to be pretty scary. The fact that A.R.s cousin wasn’t even home when they heard noises coming from outside the room is terrifying in itself. I’ve already heard of many scary stories of the ghosts that haunt her home and they all have spooked me out. I did find this one interesting though as she said her mom actually saw two blue children. It’s definitely peculiar and I would love to hear from her moms side one day, but hearing this story in general makes me wonder why her house is so active with spirits.