Author Archives: Ricardo Pires

Unity in Numbers

Subject: Proverb

Informant: Nnamdi was born in San Francisco. His parents are originally from Nigeria and came to the United states after getting married. Although living abroad, his parents maintain their customs and traditions prevalent within the family. Nnamdi currently studies Business in Los Angeles.

Original Script: Igwe bu ike / There’s unity in numbers

Background information by informant: The proverb is one of many from the lgbo tribe in Nigeria. In Nigerian culture, teamwork is very important. Family is pretty much the biggest value besides religion.

Thoughts: Interestingly, the theme of strength and unity when in numbers is a very prevalent one within the folklore of many different cultures.

Bok chun

Subject: Folk Speech

Informant: Lo was born in Honk Kong in a Chinese family. She graduated in journalism from the University of Hong Kong and proceeded to work in the industry. After working for a few years in media related fields, Lo decided to specialize her education and came to Los Angeles to pursue a masters in film production. She is currently finishing her first year of the degree program.
Original Script: 搏 盡 / Bok chun

Background information by informant: The term “Bok chun” emerged within the University of Hong Kong and was emphasized by the school as a term to signify fighting and pushing the limit. The University believes that you can only know if something is not possible if you try it. Eventually, the term changed and began to be used as a term to mock those that had gone “too extreme”.


Thoughts: After a term has been present in a certain community for a while, it naturally gets attributed with new and different meanings based on present circumstances.

Third Half

Subject: Ritual

Informant: Guido was born in Rome, Italy in a traditional Italian family. He currently studies business in California and plays rugby for his college team.

Original Script: Terzo tempo / Third Half. When the host team cooks a meal for the visiting team and both teams enjoy a meal together. It creates positive relationships between enemy teams. Although there is an innate rivalry in the sport, the players all come together and get to know each other through this celebration.

Background information by informant: Rugby games have two halves. In Italy, there is a celebration called “Terzo tempo” which means Third Half.
Context of performance: The tradition of the third half is that the hosting team will provide food and beer for both teams and they all come together to share a meal.

Thoughts: A ritual such as this one creates powerful relationships between people that would otherwise dislike each other simply because of a sport. This celebration allows traditional enemies to come together and bond as individual human beings.

Wat gai

Subject: Folk Speech

Informant: Lo was born in Honk Kong in a Chinese family. She graduated in journalism from the University of Hong Kong and proceeded to work in the industry. After working for a few years in media related fields, Lo decided to specialize her education and came to Los Angeles to pursue a masters in film production. She is currently finishing her first year of the degree program.
Original Script: 屈 機 / Wat gai
Background information by informant: Wat gai originated in Hong Kong to describe somebody that was so skilled at videogames that he could beat anyone. Through online forums and social media, the term eventually evolved to describe any legendary feat someone was known for.

Thoughts: Certain slangs or terms emerge especially between younger generations. Before, some of these pieces of folk speech would be limited to the particular regions where they begin. However, the internet has made it possible for this information to be shared and consequently gain attention not only locally, but internationally as well.

Prophet Proverb

Subject: Proverb

Informant: Phillipe was born in Quebec, Canada and has two sisters and a brother. His family is originally from Quebec, therefore he grew up with french as his native tongue.  He currently studies Finance in California.

Original Script: Nul n’est prophète dans son pays / No one is a prophet in his own country

Background information by informant: Essentially, the proverb means that when you are around people that know you, any lies you tell will be easily noticed. In contrast, it also implies that it is much easier to lie around those who do not know you.

Context of performance: Usually it is said around friends when one of the individuals is caught in a lie.

Thoughts: Ultimately, the proverbs essential theme is to propagate honesty. Although simple, this idea can positively influence the members of a country and culture, creating honest citizens that have greater sympathy and empathy for their fellow citizens.