the beamer


My school called High-Tech high is one of the very new charter schools that opened up in North County of San Diego and I had been there since 6 grade in 2011 when they were still in the mobile classrooms sort of thing before they built the new Middle School. I was in the mobile classrooms for  2 years Before they had built the new Middle School. The mobile classrooms meant a lot to my childhood especially my first years in middle school and a lot of things happened. There was a lot of exhibitions and projects and memories of going into the office and the nurse and when they built the new Middle School we were the very first graduating promoting 8th grade class of High-Tech middle school. In the new middle school they had a huge bar like a huge Beamer not a bar but a beamer That was supposed to be built into the building but before they had built in the Beamer into the building they had us all sign our names and it is visible in the building for everyone to see and for my class to come back in 30 years and be able to see the Beamer with my name on it which is I wouldn’t say a tradition but just day kind of like a tradition that will live there until my kids hopefully see it one day.


The meaning behind the beamer  is basically tradition and generation. It meant a lot to the informant because of longevity. They were the first graduating class of that fresh middle school, and that means after thirty years, there name will still be up there