The Golden Mongoose

Name: Diya


“ One day in a rural town in India there was a poor family. it was a cloudy afternoon when they had just gotten their crops and were ready for a meal. There was a severe drought happening, so the family gathered what they could as their stomachs growled. Then, suddenly, as they were about to start eating, a guest appeared at their doorstep, asking if they could spare any food. The father replied, “go get him all of the barley we gathered for me.” “Really, papa?” Asked his children. He simply nodded firmly. Then, the family watched as the stranger thanked them, and ate the meal, licking his fingers as if he wanted more. The father of the family noticed, and began to worry, as he had no more of his own food to give. Then, his wife stood up and gave the guest her portion, to which the guest thanked her and continued eating. The children followed suit. Finally, when the family could not satisfy his hunger any longer, and the father was about to offer up his own flesh, the guest stood up and revealed himself to be a deva*. He proclaimed that the family had passed the test of righteousness and are all saved a spot in the devaloka (heavenly abode). The family all rose up with the deva, leaving only their house and a few grains on their doorstep.

An odd Mongoose appeared on their doorstep. it was half golden, while the other half was its normal brown-ish shade. The mongoose previously rolled over on grains of the floor where a great prayer between the gods had happened. That is why half of its body turned gold.

 In order for its other side to turn gold, it would have to search for the location of an equally righteous people. It would sit in front of houses and roll over on many doorsteps. Every house, tirelessly, it would roll over and then shake its head in dismay, its other half remaining brown. But this time, it sensed something different. When it rolled over in front of this family’s house, its other half did in fact turn gold. It said to itself, “this family has matched the giving nature of the original gods!”

* Deva: indian deity 


Where did u learn it from?

Indian comics: Amar chitra kathas

how do you think people use it? 

It’s not very well known but I think it shows the spirit of giving


I believe that this is a myth, as it informs the individual what it means to live a good life using the emphasis of supernatural figures that is Hindu – the dominant religion in India.  Myth has a large truth value that is respected by many, and in effect imparts values. In this case, it is what Diya said she thought it meant – having a spirit of giving. More specifically, this is a prescriptive of sacrificing oneself in the name of being righteous and humble. The story mentions how there was a drought to exemplify that even in hard times, one must carry the essential value of giving. This will allow one individual to always help another out in the name of community, which could have helped a lot of people/the town live back then when one family had food and the other one didnt (and to this day).