Lunar New Year: Holiday


MT is of Vietnamese descent and discusses their experience with the Lunar New Years celebration growing up.


Growing up, I was always confused about why we celebrated Lunar New Year about a month after the actual year began. As it turns out, in ancient times, Asian countries revolved around the lunar calendar and consequently celebrated New years at the start of the lunar calendar. It was a time of celebration, with dances and endless foods, as well as rejoicing with family members from all over.

While the culture around the lunar new year is one of superstition, which I found pointless as a kid, I see the importance of it to my family as it is no different from faith. It’s a way of life that encourages honor and integrity. The notion that our ancestors come to celebrate lunar new years with us keeps us in high spirits, and on our best behavior. As I meet my family less and less due to new life situations, I find myself looking forward to the good fortunes of gathering together on Lunar New Year, catching up on each other’s lives, and blessing one another with wisdom.


MT discusses how Lunar New Year’s celebrations evolved from the lunar calendar used by ancient Asian nations, highlighting how important it is as a time for lavish celebrations that include dances, large quantities of food, and get-togethers with family. These customs have a strong cultural foundation because they are based on principles and ideals that are similar to those of faith, such as honor and integrity. The idea that ancestor spirits take part in the celebrations draws attention to the folklore element, establishing a feeling of continuity and appreciation for the past, which shapes behavior and promotes a sense of community. As MT becomes older, there is a clear understanding of these customs as fundamental cultural practices, highlighting the way that folklore functions as a living tradition that reinforces societal ethics and family values.