Ski Torch Parade – Sun Valley, Idaho

Every year on New Year’s Eve in Sun Valley, Idaho, hundreds of skiers participate in the “Torch Parade” that occurs at night on the main slope of the mountain. This is done every single year, and participants always use bright red torches as they follow the path down the slope. The informant describes the event as looking like brake lights in traffic going all the way up the slope. The informant who described the tradition is from Idaho and witnesses the parade every year on new years eve; they said everyone from the town and those visiting see this act as “blessing the slope for a good year to come and a safe/fun ski season,” but also says it is just a celebration for the city to commemorate the passing and beginning of another year. The informant themself says they have not done the parade as they ski enough during the year, but that it is very common for avid skiers, and especially visitors to participate in the torch run. The main emphasis from the informant was large, bright red torches being used at night down the main slope on new years eve.

Context – The torch parade is a common practice for ski slopes, but has been seen in all different variations among different ski towns/locations. Each town may have their own reason, explanation, or even design of the torch parade, but every year Sun Valley, Idaho does this specific time and looks for the parade. Another friend of the informant had heard of a torch parade occurring earlier in the ski season at another location, but seemingly attracting the same amount of people. Sun Valley is also a popular location for winter/new year celebrations which adds to the amount of participants and viewers of the parade.

Analysis – The torch parade can be simplified as a communal celebration linked to tradition. While it may have started smaller or even with definite reasons for participating (such as good luck for the new year or lighting the path), nowadays it is very common that there are vast reasons for participants. Either way, this tradition has grown root and reason within Sun Valley, and even in other places when they do the torch parade. This ritual can serve as a way of coming together in the belief of celebrating December 31st (as opposed to Chinese new year), as well as a fun way to “bless the slopes” while skiing at night which is not always done.