Tag Archives: fortune

Fortune Teller

The following story is collected from my friend. She lived in Turkey for the most part of her life. Now she lives in the U.S.A. She talks about a mystical experience she had. This interview is done face-to-face. “A” refers to me, the collector. And “B” refers to the participant.

A: “Is there any interesting story you can tell me?”

B: “Last year, when I was walking around at the Beverly Center, a woman, with her daughter, approached to me and asked me if I have any problems in my life right now. At first, I thought she was crazy. But then she started talking about how the negative energy in my life affects my love life and academic life. Then she offered me to go to downstairs, so she can tell me more about my life. I thought she was a con artist, because she asked for money. But then she told me that, in her religion, there is usually no such things as dark magic, but she informed me that I am under the influence of a dark magic spelled by a woman, and that is the reason why everything in my life was unstable. She told me she can help me with it, but after she asked for more money, I just could not decide, and left her.”

A: “Did she tell you anything specific that is real?”

B: “She told me that, if there is something going well in my life, it will only lasts for a couple of days, like 10 to 15 days, but after that, everything just turns around and then it starts to go bad. She was right about this, my life is exactly how she explained it to me. Whenever a good thing happens, it does not last for too long.”

A: “Do you think she had mystical powers?”

B: “Yes I think she had some, but I don’t think everything she told me was true because of her mystical powers. If this is her job, I am sure she became good at understanding people quickly.”

I think it is interesting to see old traditions, like fortune telling, can be seen in very modern and urban places like Beverly Hills.


Turkish Fortune Telling

Informant C is 20 year old and studies Journalism. She is half Turkish and speaks Turkish as well. Her mom is Turkish and is from the Eastern Turkey area, about 200 miles west of Syria. Her entire family is scattered over Turkey and have resided in Turkey for many generations. Many of them are involved in agriculture.

Fortune telling is actually a big deal in Turkey. They do it with Turkish coffee, which is really like fine ground black coffee and its very dark. You get in a little tiny cup and you have a saucer and you flip the cup over onto the saucer and all the little grounds trickle out of the cup and you can read the different things. My mom and my grandmother can do it really well, like everything my grandmother says comes true. She said that I’ll find a tall blonde guy whom I’ll really like, which is true, and then that there’s one class I’ll really like and one that I’ll have to work really hard in. And she said about water she said something you love like the ocean could turn dangerous for you but then it’ll come back and be really good for you. So me and my little brother were surfing over Presidents Day weekend and he actually got caught in a rip current which was kind of scary and luckily he got out but he’s like 14 so he’s pretty little. But then after all that happened we ended up having a really good day surfing and he actually just got his lifeguard certification which is really cool. And I kinda think a lot of it is made up but I don’t know I’m actually starting to believe in it a bit more. And my family really believes in it.



Informant C tells here of a traditional Turkish custom and folk belief that her family participates in. The fortune telling is an entertaining way to bring the community together and connect generations all over Turkey, while for many providing an insightful view into the future. H says she may have participated in the fortune telling just to bond with her grandmother and mother, but then she adds that she is starting to believe in it more.  For many, knowledge of the future is valuable, and something like the more chance based way the coffee grounds are running down the cup provide a good medium for this fortune telling.