Author Archives: cebi

Mystical Woman

The following story is collected from my friend. He is from U.S.A. This interview is done on phone. “A” refers to me, the collector. And “B” refers to the participant.

B: “There is a woman, who is famous because she saved some fishermen.”

A: “When was this?”

B: “She is a long standing figure. Long time ago.”

A: “What’s the story?”

B:” There was a massive storm, which hit a particle city. Some fisherman went out to fish before the storm and caught unaware. People were worried about them and not sure if they would come back alive. They asked this women, she said they would be safe and come home. And they ended up coming home safe.”

A: “Do you think she used magic?”

B: “I believe in science, so feel like it is a coincidence. But there are many people, who pray to her, at certain times of the year. When I go back to Taiwan and see temples with her in it, we pray.”

A: “Do people in Taiwan think she had magical powers?”

B: “Many people do believe that. But it also changes from person to person. They pray to her it as a tradition”



The following story is collected from my friend. He is from the U.S.A. This interview is done face-to-face. “A” refers to me, the collector. And “B” refers to the participant.


A: “Did you experience anything that can be considered supernatural?”


B: “There was one time, I was standing in front of pizza place close to my school. When I looked across the street, I saw a kid. He look like he was 4 years old or around that age. He was riding a bicycle. Bike’s colors were red, yellow and blue. The thing that caught my attention was that, he was unsupervised. He was in a long strip of sideway with no way of exit or enter. He had no way of disappearing from my sight, but he did. Weirdest part is, there were no one with the kid. And my city is very safe, so it was very surprising to see a kid, who is unattended.”

A: “Which city?”


B:”San Bernardino”

A: “When did this happen?”

B: “In high school. 2013”


A:”Did anyone reacted to kid disappearing?”

B: “When I asked my friend, he said that he did not notice. He was probably not paying attention.”

A: “Do you think he was a ghost?”

B: “I can not say he was not. Until I meet a person, who can tell the same story, I will stick to this answer.”

Dream comes True


The following story is collected from my friend. He lived in Turkey for the most part of his life. He talks about a Turkish tradition in this collection. This interview is done on phone. “A” refers to me, the collector. And “B” refers to the participant.


A:” Did you experience anything you can call supernatural?”


B: “I was planning to go to South America with my friends. I month before the trip, I saw a dream. In the dream, I was in Buenos Aires with my friends. I was walking in the city and saw a two floor building. I can remember very specifically, there were graffitis of bananas. The building was selling only bananas. I told to myself, why there is such a random building in Buenos Aires. Then a month later, I went to Buenos Aires. I was walking randomly without having a destination. Then suddenly… I saw the exact same building in my dreams. I was shocked because, everyone can experience something in their real life that is similar to what they have seen in their dreams, but this was very specific. Never experienced something like this. I even took the photo of the building. And again, I had to aim while walking. There should be thousands of streets in the city, and I was walking randomly.”


A: “How do you explain this?”


B: “I think what we dream, can happen in the future sometimes. Maybe when we sleep, we have a connection to the parallel universe.”



The following story is collected from my friend. He is from U.S.A. This interview is done face-to-face. “A” refers to me, the collector. And “B” refers to the participant.

A: “Did you experience anything you would explain as supernatural?


B: “I can’t remember now but I know something happened to my best friend.”


A: “Can you tell me about it?”

B: “When he was a kid, at one point he didn’t talk with his aunt for 5 years, because she and my friend’s father had a disagreement and they were not allowed to talk. But when he was younger, he loved spending time with her. At the end of 5th year, it was her birthday and my friend finally found the courage to ask his day, if they can tell call and wish happy birthday to her. Then my friends father told him the sad news. Apparently, his aunt died 2 years ago and my friends father did not tell this to him. So my friend ran out of the house when he learned this and started to cry.”

A: “How old was he?”

B: “I am not too sure. Maybe 12”

A: “Continue the story please”

B: “So, he was crying in the street and he saw a parrot standing next to him. He told me that a lady come up to him and  said “oh look this birds like you”. Then my friend remembered that his aunt liked parrots and thought maybe this bird was someway connected to her. Because he never saw that parrot next to his home and the day he tried to connect with his aunt, he saw it.  ”

A: “Does he still believe in it or did he stopped believing once he grew?”

B:” I can’t really talk about my friends beliefs, but I know that, whenever he tells this story to someone, he gets emotional. So maybe he still believes.”