Author Archives: Nico Williamson

Hispanic Proverb-Game

Informant: Carlota Rodriguez-Benito. 20 years old. Spanish Heritage, born in Miami, lived in Mexico. USC student.

Informant:“El que se va de su villa pierde su silla”

Translation:“The one who leaves his or her villa looses his or her chair”

Informant: “If someone stood up from their seat, whether that be at school, at home, or anywhere, I would take that seat. When that person returned wanting that same seat, I would say the proverb to let them know that it’s their fault they left it and it’s mine now. I no longer use this proverb because I find it silly. When I was younger, however, I loved to say it because it was a funny game.

Thoughts: Carlota grew up in Miami but still used this proverb as a child. Miami has a very big Hispanic community so it makes sense that Carlota would say it. When I was younger,  just like Carlota, I would say this proverb. It is interesting that we both never say it anymore but still remember the experiences of it.

Colombian Proverb

Informant: Maria Clara Williamson. My mom who is originally from Colombia but has lived in Mexico City for 25 years.


Original: “Al que madruga, a Dios le ayuda”

Translation: The one who rises early, God helps

Informant: “My mom was a firm believer in this saying. Every morning, she would tell me this as a constant reminder to persevere. Growing up in a Catholic household, I was taught not to complain and follow set values. My mother would often use my father’s determination as an example. By 6A.M. he had already showered, changed, and was ready for the day. “Your father’s success comes from rising early and having determination,” she would always say. Throughout my life, I have kept my mothers words with me and have really strived to follow it.”

Thoughts: This is probably the proverb I have heard the most throughout my life. My parents both mention it as they stress the importance of productivity. If one rises early there is so much more one can do with the day. Because religion is an important part of life in Latin America it makes sense that God is included in the saying.


Informant: Maria Clara Williamson. My mom who is originally from Colombia but has lived in Mexico City for 25 years.

Informant: “In México we have Posadas. A posada is a celebration to commemorate the story of Jesus. It is the journey that Joseph and Mary took in Bethlehem. Half the people act as the inns and the rest of the people act as pilgrims. Everyone holds candles and sings. At the end of the singing there is a big party. At the party, there are traditional Mexican piñatas. The piñata has colorful peaks representing the Catholic capital sins. The party is decorated very colorfully and it is a great celebration!”



Los Peregrinos…

En el nombre del cielo,

yo os pido posada,

pues no puede andar,

mi esposa amada.

Los Hosteleros… 

Aquí no es mesón,

sigan adelante,

no les puedo abrir,

no vaya a ser un tunante.



Dichosa la casa

Que abriga este día

A la virgen pura

La hermosa María.

Entren Santos Peregrinos,

Reciban este rincón,

que aunque es pobre la morada,

os la doy de corazón.



The Pilgrims…

In the name of the heavens

I request lodging from you,

Because she cannot walk,

My beloved wife.

The Innkeepers…

This is not an inn,

Go on ahead

I cannot open up for you

In case you’re a crook.



Happy is the house

That shelters today

The pure virgin,

The beautiful Mary.

Enter holy pilgrims

Receive this haven

That although it’s a poor dwelling

I offer it to you from the heart.


Thoughts: Posadas are very traditional in Mexico. I have not attended one since middle school but I vividly remember the experience. I enjoy this celebration because it combines Joseph and Mary’s journey with a fun party. Posadas are geared more towards families but there are many people in Mexico who do not miss these posadas as it really is part of their tradition and religion.


For the full version of the song: “”



Informant: Maria Clara Williamson. My mom who is originally from Colombia but has lived in Mexico City for 25 years.

Informant: “In Colombia during Christmas time there is a big celebration called Novenas. It is a celebration with family and friends. One gathers and sings ‘Villancicos.’ One of my favorite Villancico is called ‘Campana Sobre Campana.’ We all sing, pray, and celebrate together. It is a great celebration because it is so much more than a religious gathering. A novena is a tradition and the perfect gathering to mingle with family and friends. The Novenas were definitely a highlight of the Christmas season. I would often attend several novenas and although they would be similar in the traditions, it would be a different experience.”


“Campana sobre campana

y sobre campana una

asómate a la ventana

veros a un niño en la cuna.

Belén, Campanas de Belén

que los Ángeles tocan

que nuevas me traéis.


Recogido tu rebaño

a dónde vas pastorcillo?

Voy a llevar el portal

requesón, manteca y vino

Belén, Campanas de Belén

que los Ángeles tocan

que nuevas me traéis.”



“Bell over Bell

And on a bell

Get close to the window

See a child in the crib.

Bethlehem, Bells of Bethlehem

What angels play

What new you bring me


Collected your flock

Where are you going little shepherd?

I’m going to take the portal

Cottage cheese, butter and wine

Bethlehem, Bells of Bethlehem

What angels play

What new you bring me. ”


Thoughts: Because my family is from Colombia and we’ve celebrated Christmas in Bogotá,  I’ve attended these novenas. As a little kid, the highlight of these gathering was singing the Villanciscos (Christmas Carols).  We actually have not celebrated Christmas in Colombia for a long time ever since most of my grandparents passed away. Even so, the novenas is a childhood memory that I cherish forever.

Mexican Proverb

Informant: Maria Clara Williamson. My mom who is originally from Colombia but has lived in Mexico City for 25 years.

Informant: “Está mas caro el caldo que las albondigas”

Translation: “The broth is more expensive than the meatballs.”

Informant: “This is a saying I learned living in Mexico. My friend Paloma uses it a lot but I never do. It is said when the effort put into something is more expensive than the end result. Right now we are building a house in an underserved community with your sister. We have to sell tickets for a raffle, travel to the community, get people at the school to participate, and make the whole thing work. This has taken so much of my time and so many people have been uncollaborative. This effort is more laborious, tiresome, and expensive than the end result (the house) and although it’s a good deed it is indeed more expensive.”

Thoughts: This proverb is really interesting. I had never heard it and my mom has certainly never said it in front of me. It is definitely an interesting way of describing a laborious task. There are many Mexican sayings people have and I’m actually surprised to not have heard it before growing up or from Paloma.