“Taj ko čeka, taj dočeka”

Nationality: Croatian, Italian, American
Age: 53
Occupation: Real Estate Broker
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Performance Date: March 15, 2016
Primary Language: Croatian
Language: Italian, English

Informant MV is my mother who is both Croatian and Italian. She was born in the United States and grew up in Los Angeles, CA. Her parents immigrated from Croatia to the United States in 1958. MV speaks Croatian fluently and has two daughters who she raised within the Croatian and Italian traditions and culture. This is a Croatian proverb that MV grew up with that she has passed down to her two daughters:

“Taj ko čeka, taj dočeka.”

“A person who waits is a person who receives.”

In the Croatian language, the letter “j” is pronounced as a “y” sound and the “č” is pronounced as a “ch” sound like in English.

How do you know about this Croatian proverb?

MV: “Growing up in a Croatian and Italian family, it is a Croatian proverb that my parents used in our everyday lives.”

 How did your parents learn about this proverb?

MV: “Well my father learned this proverb from his parents while he was a very young boy growing up in Split, Croatia. It was a popular phrase used among our family members dating back generations ago. When he got older, he continued to pass this proverb onto his family.”

Does this Croatian proverb have any significant meaning to you?

MV: “It has great meaning to me because it is something that holds true to what I believe in and it is very much relevant to any generation and language today. I feel as though this proverb is relatable to most, if not everyone. This Croatian proverb is very similar to the one that says, ‘Good things come to those who wait,’ in that patience is rewarded to those who take the time to let things come that are truly meant to be. Not forcing the end result or expected outcome, but letting nature take its course in delivering what is really meant to be. You will meet your goal when you let patience and acceptance into your life.”

How can you or others relate to this proverb?

MV: “I think this proverb is fitting for me or anyone. When you think things are not going your way or something is not happening fast enough or not happening in the time frame that you would want it to happen in, it kind of makes you get your perspective and to move forward and to keep doing what you’re doing.”

In what context or situation would this be performed?

MV: “I use this Croatian proverb when I try to give advice to my kids, well, they’re not really kids anymore, but I say this when they are in times of frustration to remind them that everything happens in its own timing and that when you wait, what is meant for you will come along naturally.


This Croatian proverb is a great example of how folklore is spread orally over generations. Growing up in a traditional Croatian and Italian household, my mother learned the Croatian language before she learned Italian or English. As a child of immigrant parents, it was important to her and her family that they did not lose sight of their traditions. Once my mother had my older sister and I, we were taught Croatian before English, that way we were able to uphold our heritage and understand our family roots. Still knowing the language today, I find it comforting when my mom tells me this proverb in times of stress or frustration. It helps me to see past the obstacles that I am faced with in that particular moment. Now as an adult, this proverb especially resonates with me and I have continued to pass this proverb along to my friends.