Those who persevere get food.

Nationality: Filipina
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Residence: Philippines
Performance Date: April 2012
Primary Language: English
Language: Filipino, Spanish

My informant is an international student from the Philippines. She says that in the 1920s, the national language of the Philippines was Tagalog. However, in 1935, the Commission of the National Language decided to change some words of Tagalog to make the language more accessible to people who spoke different dialects. They called this new language Filipino, and made it, along with English and Spanish, one of the official languages of the Philippines. Filipino  is now taught though culture classes, in which students memorize and are tested on Filipino folklore.


The following is a Filipino proverb that my informant learned and has heard used, as well as used herself.


“Ang may tiyaga may nilaga.”


Those who persevere get food.



This proverb is about the importance of dedication and hard work. It is similar to the English proverb of the early bird catching the worm, in that it implies that an amount of commitment is necessary for success. My informant says that this proverb was often used as a reminder to those perceived to be lazy, and to those who conceded defeat easily.