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Childhood Riddles
Background on Informant:
My informant is a current student who has shared with me his experiences of childhood folklore and traditions that he grew up with. In a series of interviews he has shared with me his knowledge.
He explained:
“Riddles are such a huge part of my childhood. We were exposed to them everywhere, I remember my school used to do a weekly contest where they would have us compete to solve a riddle and whoever got it first would win a prize. So you can say I might be a bit of an expert on them.
Some I remember are:
Riddle: If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?
Answer: Nine!
Riddle: What begins with T, finishes with T, and has T in it?
Answer: A teapot.
I don’t know if this counts but
Why are ghosts bad at lying?
Answer: Because you can see right through them.
Riddle: I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old, what am I?
Solution: A candle.
I could go on for hours but riddles are always good fun, I remember the popsicles used to have them on the stick and the Laffy Taffy candies. See we’ve been exposed to riddles in almost every aspect of our childhood.”
Riddles are truly a giant part of growing up. From being exposed through family or school, riddles have played a major part in childhood. They are an integral part of children’s folklore and have continued to remain a major part of our childhood past. It was interesting to see the one’s he remembered because I could recall so many as well. Riddles have always been important, especially as society’s means of evaluating cleverness and intelligence, but for me I’ve always viewed it as good fun. These connections to our childhood past are important in order for this folklore to remain alive and continue to thrive for the next riddle experts to experience.