Farofa Receita (Recipe)

Nationality: Brazilian
Age: 71
Occupation: Cameraman for Globo News
Residence: New York
Performance Date: March 19 2015
Primary Language: Portuguese
Language: English, Spanish

The Recipe:

Farofa Vegetariana

 A  farofa vegetariana é uma tendência que existe já há algum tempo e as pessoas nem a chamam de vegetariana ou de farofa vegana, mas simplesmente de farofa. Isso acontece porque muitas pessoas não colocam em suas farofas ingredientes como ovos e bacon frito. Assim, as farofas modernas costumam ser naturalmente vegetarianas e consequentemente mais saudáveis.

Esta receita fica sensacional se você seguir os ingredientes à risca…


  • 1 xícara de farinha de mandioca crua
  • 1 xícara de farinha de milho amarela*
  • 2 colheres de chá de azeite
  • 1 cebola grande picada finamente
  • 2 dentes de alho amassados
  • 1 xícara de azeitonas verdes picadas
  • 1 xícara de cenoura ralada
  • 1/2 pimentão vermelho picadinho
  • 1/2 xícara de uva passa escura
  • 1/2 xícara de cheiro verde picado
  • 1 xícara de couve picada finamente (opcional)
  • sumo de 1 limão
  • 2 espigas de milho cozido
  • sal a gosto (se necessário)

Como fazer a farofa vegetariana

Cozinhe o milho e retire os grãos. Refogue a cebola e o alho no azeite, acrescente as azeitonas picadas e a couve e mexa bem, acrescente a cenoura ralada, o pimentão. Tampe e deixe por 1 minuto em fogo mínimo. Desligue o fogo, acrescente o limão, as uvas passas, a farinha e o cheiro verde, mexa, prove o sal e acrescente um pouco se necessário e sirva.


Vegetarian Farofa is a trend that has exist for a while. People can call it vegetarian Farofa or vegan Farofa but it’s simply Farofa. This is because many people do not mix farofa with their eggs or their meat (like bacon). Modern farofa dishes are naturally vegetarian so it is more healthy.

This recipe is sensational if you follow the ingredients….

1 cup of flour
1 cup yellow cornmeal *
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 cup chopped green olives
1 cup grated carrots
1/2 red bell pepper chopped
1/2 cup raisins dark
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 cup finely chopped cabbage (optional)
juice of 1 lemon
2 ears of corn on the cob
Salt to taste (if necessary)

How to do the Vegetarian Farofa:

Cook the corn and remove the kernels (or niblets). Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil, add chopped olives and cabbage and mix it well, add grated carrot and peppers. Cover and leave it on the fire for one minute (minimum). Turn off the stove and add the lemon juice, the rains, flour, and parsley. Mix it and add a little salt if necessary and serve.


The informant is a Brazilian who has been living in America for about forty years. He is the cameraman works for a Brazilian News Company called Globo – think the “ABC” of Brazil – so all of his footage airs primarily in Brazil and the reports are only done in Portuguese. Everyone that works at Globo speaks Portuguese and share a love for Brazilian culture. In fact, Most of his co-workers are like the informant because, they too, were transferred from Brazil to New York for work.  The informant says that in order to stay connected to Brazil, people at Globo will often host “Churrasequeria’s” (Barbecues) for the whole office. They stay connected through their love of the food from home. This farofa recipe was shared around the office through email by one of the informant’s co-workers, perhaps to remind everyone of home. The recipe is in Portuguese, highlighting a that it is for a specific audience – Portuguese  speakers.