My informant as a little boy would perform a ritual. The children of the village used to capture and kill a lizard. Then they would perform a death ceremony. There was about 20 kids involved. They would bury the lizard and start praying.
“Ya hardon eska werka, mertak amya mabti’shd”, which translates to :
All you lizard, please portray good, because your wife is blind and cannot see at times.
They would have sticks and be beating it against the ground while saying the chant. Afterwards they would go home.There was nothing else to do so they created their own rituals.
My informant is an immigrant from Lebanon. He lived in a small town called Yaroun. Hid family was very poor and lived in a rural area. We shared the folklore over some food in his house.
The interesting part of this piece is the creativity children have. They created there own ritual in to keep from boredom. my informant at first did not want to tell this piece of folklore out of embarrassment but eventually gave in.