
Nationality: Japanese-American
Age: 51
Occupation: Teacher
Performance Date: March 10, 2007

Feng Shui

My informant studied feng shui, which literally means “wind-water.”  Nance says, “it is an ancient practice in China that revolves around the placement and arrangement of space in order to achieve harmony with the environment.  Geographical, psychological, mathematical, and aesthetic concepts are some of the elements relating to feng shui.  It is thought that Gui Pu coined the term back in the Jin Dynasty.  Qi, which is the energy of the universe, is carried in the wing and retained within the water, hence the meaning behind feng shui.  Nancy told me that there are many internal and external guidelines.  For instance, some internal guidelines are to avoid clutter, keep tops of tables simple, do not aline the end of the bed with the door, and your stairs should never face the front door.  Some external guidelines that Nance told me are to avoid building houses in front of cemeteries, hospitals, and mortuaries, and that square-shaped lots are optimal for chi flow. feng shui is particularly interesting to Nancy because she believes that Chinese customs are very spiritually based and always very interesting.  She claims that her office and house both follow as many feng shui guidelines as possible,

I have heard of feng shui before from my mother.  She does not take the custom very seriously, but has just mentioned a few of the very basic guidelines.  I think it is really interesting that the Chinese have such a strong spiritual basis, however I do not believe that my energy is influenced very much by the positioning of my furniture.  I do not feel as if my luck, health, and prosperity are going to be determined or influenced by space.  Feng shui has spread rapidly throughout our culture however.  There are feng shui experts that will come to your home or office and decorate it in a spiritually sound manner.  This custom represents how easily an item of folklore can spread internationally and become part of popular culture and everyday life.