Graffiti Wall at Scripps College

Nationality: Swedish
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles, California
Performance Date: 04/23/18
Primary Language: Swedish
Language: English

Background information:

My sister, Jennifer, attends Scripps College and is graduating this year (2018). She is an English major and an Economics minor at the school and is greatly interested in literature, culture, and classic novels. Because Scripps College is a small, private, liberal arts college in the middle of the 5 Claremont Colleges Consortium, she has found that it has been a fantastic school for her to expand and learn about her interests and passion for literature. Due to her immense love for the school, she has been an active member in the college’s social life and learned about countless traditions that Scripps College engages in.


Main piece:

Walking around Scripps, my sister Jennifer, notes that one of her favorite locations is the Graffiti Wall located right in between the Toll Residence Hall and the Browning Residence Hall. She told me that this wall was something that she remembered all the way from her first tour of Scripps College as a prospective student. She remembers it so vividly because it is completely filled with past students’ names and she could not wait to be able to write her name on the wall upon graduation. Jennifer told me that seeing other students’ names and the year that they graduated was a huge inspiration to her because she often passed by it on her way to classes at Harvey Mudd College and saw how many women that had been in her place in the past. She said that the Graffiti Wall gave her a wholesome sense of history because she saw names from people that had graduated back in 1931, when the Graffiti Wall was started due to Scripps College’s first graduating class. Therefore, this wall gave her a very warm feeling and made her feel at home at Scripps and also felt like she was contributing to the traditions and history at Scripps College.


Personal thoughts:

When my sister told me about the impact that this Graffiti Wall made on her, I was very pleasantly surprised. I attended Scripps College for my freshman year of college and did not have the same connection to the wall, so it was nice to hear that she felt so connected to the school. I believe that since she enjoyed the curriculum at Scripps more than I did, this shaped her pride and desire to be featured on the Graffiti Wall upon her graduation. Now, she will make her mark and get a chance to sign the Graffiti Wall in May of 2018 when she graduates from this beautiful liberal arts college and will forever be a part of the history at Scripps College.