
Nationality: American
Age: 21
Occupation: Host
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Performance Date: 3/24/2015
Primary Language: English

“I’m half Mexican, but grew up speaking English. My Parents never taught me Spanish. It was kind of an embarrassment, but it made sense. I don’t know man. So anyway, we’re a big fan of the dodgers here in LA for obvious reasons, right? But it’s funny how the real Mexicans who didn’t speak Spanish said “dodgers.” They would say Doyers. Now every Latino says doyers. Doesn’t matter if you speak Spanish or not, it’s just doyers.”

Context/Analysis: To the informant, this blaison populaire is just part of their SoCal culture. Within the Chicano population, they make fun of how the native Spanish speakers talk in English. This of course is done from a perspective of admiration and respect, like a friendly way to tease a neighbor. Even the native Mexicans who do say “doyers” are not readily offended by this blaison populaire. The informant first heard this piece of folklore when he was invited to go to a Dodgers game with his cousin who is a native of Oaxaca, Mexico. This piece of folklore is significant to the informer because it gives him a national identity. He feels that he is connected to the Chicano population, even though he is only half Mexican.