
Nationality: Peruvian
Age: 73
Occupation: Natural Doctor
Residence: Lima, Peru
Performance Date: April 21, 2011
Primary Language: Spanish
Language: English

“Ama sua

Ama quella

Ama lluclla”

Do not lie

Do not idle your time

Do not steal

 Dr. Martinez works as a natural medical doctor in Perú. His ancestors settled there many generations ago, and since he is a mix of Native American and Spaniard. He travels back and forth to the United States, where his son lives.

 Dr. Martinez tells me that this phrase was spoken by Incan leaders as a kind of motto that instructed people how to live good lives. He values these tenets as basic to a good life, and he believes they represent the culture of the area.

 It seems that this phrase is pretty all-encompassing in terms of vice. If you don’t lie, idle your time, or steal, you should be a good person. It parallels the Ten Commandments in the authoritative nature. Many of the Ten Commandments outline what not to do in a similar manner, and are also meant to be guidelines to living a good life. These three commands, however, leave out many vices, particularly that of murder. It sounds elegant, but might not be, because it lacks such important ideals. I think this phrase is held onto due to a romanticized view of the Inca Empire. This has remained a powerful message and is used often today.

Annotation: This proverb is discussed in the followeing work:

Masterson, Daniel M. Militarism and Politics in Latin America: Peru from Sa?nchez Cerro to Sendero Luminoso. New York: Greenwood, 1991. Print.