Author Archives: Renee Simpson

Whistling attracts snakes

Nationality: African
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles
Performance Date: April
Primary Language: French
Language: English, Spanish, Fang, etc

The twenty-two year old female informant born in the Gabonese Republic, a state located on the west coast of Central Africa, revealed that where she is from whistling attracts snakes. This reminds me of snake charmers often depicted in Asian nations. Whistling may be a form of charming a serpent. It is not considered a good thing.

Lady of Guadalupe tattoo

Nationality: African-American, Mexican-American
Age: 23
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles
Performance Date: March
Primary Language: English

My informant, a twenty-three year old native of Chicago, revealed obtaining his first tattoo at the tender age of eighteen. When asked why he’d chosen to get one he claimed, “I was bored with my skin and wanted something… different”.   My informant revealed tattoos are commonly seen in his hometown. All of his peers had a least one.  My informant, however, chose by cover most of his body with ink. Tattoos are a form of physical maintenance. They are memory keepers that provide insight into persons past. Displayed on the left shoulder my informants arm above the elbow is an image of the lady of Guadalupe. According to the myth, Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to “Juan Diego at the hill of Tepeyac in December of 1531. The Virgin Mary was said to have directed Juan Diego to go to the bishop of Mexico, Juan de Zumarrag, with a request to have him build a church on the place where she appeared. There she promised she would be the natives’ mother, comfort them in their sorrows, and hear their prayers, tears, and entreaties. As proof of this, she had Juan Diego collect bowers from the hill at the time when they were not in season and take them in his cloak (tilma) to Zumarraga. When Juan Diego unfolded his tilma, the virgin’s image was imprinted on it.” (Our Lady of Guadalupe: An ambiguous symbol, Jody Brant Smith)

The lady of Guadalupe is both culturally and religiously significant to my informant. Her figure was commonly seen in his community. Inserting her image was a form of connecting with his Mexican roots. But more importantly connecting with his faith the saint is a religious symbol. As a Christian my informer revealed getting that specific tattoo at time when he was “looking for religion… or for God”. The tattoo not only holds a memory of a specific time but also serves as a form of devotion to his faith.

When asked about the process of choosing a tattoo artist? My informant claimed its “pure luck.” Tattoos are voluntarily acquired and sometimes require little planning. My informer has many tattoos and admitted to being addicted. In recent years tattoos have become more main stream. They are a form of art that is beguiling and somewhat mysterious. When asked what attracted him to body ink, he simply said “I liked the way it looked.”

Tsamba and Magosti

Nationality: African
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles
Performance Date: April
Primary Language: French
Language: English, Spanish, Fang, etc

The twenty-two year old female informant born in the Gabonese Republic, a state located on the west coast of Central Africa, revealed that locals in her city believe two mermaids inhabit the ocean named Tsamba and Magosti. They are revered among the locals. Every time the village floods, it is said that the mermaids are angry. In order to appease the spirits locals make offerings. It is not uncommon to find bowls of food on the beach. Also when near a body of water such as a lake or river the locals toss coins in the water to appease spirits that inhabit it.

The mermaid and spirits seem to operate as lower deities. My informant also revealed that when someone drowns there is a belief that they become slaves to a genie. When asked if he body is recovered are they still slaves the answer was “yes.” It is the soul that is stolen. Seeing how the ocean provided transport for slaves to the Americas that fear may have transpired into this belief. Water operates as random uncontrollable element this may explain some of the mysticism linked with it.

Pre-wedding Blanket Game

Nationality: African
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles
Performance Date: April
Primary Language: French
Language: English, Spanish, Fang, etc

The twenty-two year old female informant born in the Gabonese Republic, a state located on the west coast of Central Africa, revealed that it is custom prior to a traditional Gabonese wedding to play games. One of the festivities involves a blanket. My informant revealed “I don’t [pause] I don’t know what it’s called.” The game involves “all the women [bridal party] pull a blanket over them then the groom has to find his soon-to-be bride.” Each time the groom chooses the wrong woman he must pay a greater dowry.

This game is very similar to a scene in 2008 Bollywood film Jodhaa Akbar. In the scene, it was a custom that when the husband first visits his wife among a group of veiled women. If he finds his wife he will share a room with her. If it not he must sleep under the stars. The blanket activity is a form of entertainment but also seems like a form of trickery. This reminds me of the biblical tale of Jacob who on his wedding night was deceived into marrying Leah the sister of the woman he agreed to marry. While game is not as radical, it is a similar form of deceit. It is also a cunning and sneaky way for the bride’s family to guarantee a greater dowry than the one already agreed upon. When asked where she learned this from, my informant witnessed this game several times due to having older siblings. This game offers insight into the cultures lineage. Usually societies with a dowry are patriarchal and heritance is passed down through the male line.

Wooden Spoon

Nationality: American
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Residence: Los Angeles
Performance Date: March
Primary Language: English
Language: Italian

My informant a twenty-two year old native of Massachusetts revealed that although thought to many to be a myth, it is usually a custom for the woman in Italian families to have a wooden spoon. This spoon is not just used for cooking but also for discipline. If children were misbehaving, especially in the kitchen, they risked getting hit with the spoon. The spoon pictured below is the spoon from her grandmother, whom she referred to as “Nonnie”, placed upon a 3 foot counter; the spoons could usually vary in size from the normal size of a wooden spoon sold in stores to that size of larger.