Author Archives: Samantha Sommers

The Haunted Hallways of Kentucky

“One summer my aunt went on a trip with some family friends to their home in Kentucky and the house was around 6500 square ft. On the second floor there are two bedrooms facing each other and each bedroom has two doors leading to the hallways in front of them. Two unwalled hallways/bridges parallel to each other connected the doors at either ends of the bedrooms leading across and they were above the living room. My aunt was in my friend Taylor’s bedroom looking for some of her clothes she had left in there. She then went back to her room across one of the hallways. When she opened the door she heard the other door to the bedroom at the other end open. She heard creaking and footsteps walking down the other hallway. She turned and yelled for her husband, but there was no reply. She then walked down the hallway she had come from and looked to the other hallway across from her. There was a man standing in the hallway with his back to her. She said that she had never felt a more malevolent angry spirit. She never saw his face, but she has seen spirits before and can usually adjust quickly and try to ask what is wrong; however, this time she felt the darkness so much and couldn’t move or talk. She could hear him breathing and his fingers twitching at his side. She really did not know what to do and couldn’t move. Eventually she started yelling, “leave, leave, leave.” She goes into her room and locked both her doors. She then heard his footsteps running down the other hallway into Taylor’s room and the door slamming. Luckily, Taylor wasn’t in the room. She felt that presence for the rest of the trip, but she could not bring herself to say anything to them because she was so afraid of scaring them.”

Window Watching

“My Uncle is a very religious man and has a hard time believing in spirits or anything like that, but through some instances of hauntings he has become more accepting. My Uncle went to NAU, Northern Arizona University, and lived in the bottom floor of a dorm. He would always go out at night through the window in his room. He had requested to live in a single so he wouldn’t have to have a roommate. He would normally come back around or later than midnight. For some reason, he always felt as though he was being followed, but he never saw anybody. One time he came home and while climbing into his window he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and  right behind him stood a middle aged man in a full suit pulling him back. He couldn’t fully get into the window back to his room. It freaked him out and he yelled at the man, “what are you doing?” He didn’t immediately assume this person is a spirit, and the man just didn’t answer him back. The man then backed up and my Uncle went through the window, shut it, and locked it. As he was locking the window he looked back up and the man was gone; there was no one on the street. He knew that it was a spirit and that was the first time that he actually saw a spirit. Since he was little he felt presences, but he never saw anything, and that was just the first occurrence.”